Hello. This is my first time posting here because I am trying to find support and/or advice. I have been going through some really bad mental issues lately and I am just feeling alone. I love my wife and we have been married for almost 10 years. I somehow convinced myself that she did not love me anymore, when she was telling me straight to my face that she did love me, etc., I was not seeing it and wanted to hurt myself physically. I then could not get myself to do it and then made a choice to cheat on her instead for self-sabotage. After slowing snapping out of it, I realized now that I should have communicated with her in my feelings before making any choices. I love and will always love my wife. I told her what was going on after the fact, but this could have all been avoided if I just trusted that she could handle my deep darkest thoughts. Now the trust is gone between us and we are currently separated. I am now in therapy and taking medication now. She is currently also in therapy and seeking help for her sadness/depression that I have caused her. She wants to continue to be friends for now and work on ourselves first. How can I live with this horrible mistake and seeing her in so much pain?
It is so hard for me to work on myself when she is my world outside of these dark thoughts of mine. I have been struggling with these thoughts now for about 6 months. I have found happiness in activities that we have done together and now I feel like there is no purpose for me anymore. I have apologized and have told her that I was not thinking clearly and did not think of the consequences of my actions.
I am now feeling so anxious and have anxiety attacks randomly because I just want her back. I want her to take me back. I feel like I cannot work on myself until I know my future, honestly. I now understand my triggers and will always be open with her now. What is hard is I have had these feelings off and on through the years and never spoke up, so now how is still supposed to want me back when she might always be wondering if I am not telling her something? All she wants right now is time and space, but that is so hard for me to give it to her since we never have had any boundaries. She was the best wife anyone could ask for and now I am trying to find a support system to continue to help me through this time. Has anyone ever had a similar experience happen to them? How am I supposed to continue life without her? She has been the one who has helped me in the past when I also suffered from anxiety attacks.