I’m 61 years old, divorced, and have had a horrible year of anxiety and depression. It started in my late teens, but this has been the worst bout I’ve ever experienced. It all started when I went to the ER with symptoms of a stroke. Well in the ER I found out it was side effects of a psych med Rexulti. So I was taken off that immediately and hospitalized and treated for Parkinson’s syndrome. While in the hospital my daughter and her husband who had been living with me moved out. When I was released from the hospital I had to have physical, occupational, and speech, therapy. Also my mom was in and out of the hospital and rehabilitation centers and we found out she had cancer. After 3 attempts of scheduling the surgery and her backing out, she finally had the surgery. She is cancer free, as far as we know.
It’s been a slow process living alone, trying to go help her, and to try and get my antidepressants straightened out. Which evidently aren’t helping a lot or I wouldn’t still be suffering from this horrible depression and I feel so alone. I have no friends, because of the last year. I feel like I no longer have a purpose in this world. The only thing that gets me out of bed is my 3 dogs. I’m so tired of feeling this way!