So if you have read my previous post 2 weeks ago, you know I lost my 11 year old cousin and my uncle is in the hospital cause someone shot them. I went to her funeral Saturday and Sunday (Nov. 3 & 4). I talked to her and everything. I tried to get my closures but I couldn't. When they closed her caskets I lost it and ended almost choking on the gum I had in my mouth. And when they buried her I lost it. Even last night when I was just sitting there I lost it, but each one of those times, I am alone with no one to help me. I blame myself so much. I know it wasn't my fault but I blame myself. And my uncle is starting to blame his-self. He doesn't remember anything but we had to tell him she past. He was doing good till they found infection in his brain from the wound. They had to do surgery again, luckily they didn't find much.
I just blame myself for the whole thing and I have so many regrets. I should of seen them more often, should of a lot of things. Baking cookies helped me a little bit but not much. And if you know about me, you know I used to cut. I've almost been to that point again but I stopped myself and gave myself a new motto to live by 'Live For Harley'. I just need to keep saying that and live for her. But I'm still lost and I'm still at the point of not knowing what to do...
Thank you if you read this, for letting me get this out.