Ugh!!! Where do I begin?? So I've ALWAYS dealt with a lot of clutter. Ok-I'm a hoarder. I'll admit that. But NOT the kind that you see on the shows, with garbage and trash and food all over the floors and tables. I'm what I call a "clean" hoarder. Just too much stuff that I save and a lot of it with no home. I moved into this place , it will be 2 years in November, and I am struggling. And I have all the time in the world to work on it because I am retired, but my energy levels are just non existent. I try little games with myself-just pick up or put away or get rid of one or 2 things a day, but somehow it doesn't work, and more "stuff" keeps entering the house. My hallway looks like an Amazon warehouse!! I live alone, so I guess it's worse because I have no one to be accountable to and keep it clean. I don't know what to do. I've ALWAYS wanted to have the kind of home that people could walk in at any time and I wouldn't be embarrassed, but that only happened one time in my life when I was living in a very large house. What should I do, and also, how do I increase my energy levels? Thank you in advance!😊
My condo looks like a warehouse 😫 - Anxiety and Depre...
My condo looks like a warehouse 😫

Did you just move?
Hi Downandout123, sorry to hear you're having problems with clutter.
Have you thought about creating a strict budget or freezing any credit/store cards so you don't get tempted to buy new stuff?
Once you can stop introducing new objects into your home, then you can focus on downsizing the stuff you currently have.
Also, visualize what it would be like to live in a clutter free environment & how mentally freeing that would be.
Just my two cents.
Thank you for your reply. The problem is, I don't drive, so I tend to order necessities in bulk. Then-Where do you put them? I do have a small unit in the basement for storage, but that's packed to the edges too unfortunately. Plus I have a ton of holiday decorations, for all the holidays, which I like to keep in storage.
You're welcome. I guess its about working out if you're prepared to sacrifice some decorations & items you may never realistically use?
Also, maybe watch some youtube videos to get practical tips from people who have overcome your similar situation?
Ultimately, theres no right or wrong approach. I think it's trial & error too. Try different techniquea. If you find something that works for you, keep doing it consistently.
I've had some help getting rid of clutter with the following:
Reddit declutter
Unf* your habitat
A Slob Comes Clean
Man I wish I knew the answers but I don’t know. When my passed I ended up with double stuff and because it was my mom’s I can’t part with it. I’ve been after my doctors to figure out why I have no energy. They blame it on depression. It’s a vicious cycle.
Know that feeling; I'm overrun with Cardboard boxes; Virtually all my shopping is online these days, and the stores won't take their packaging away!
I could put myself in some of these boxes! If it's not the boxes, it's the Acres of Bubble wrap everything seems to come in!
Cheers, Midori
Now bubble wrap is great therapy! I can sit and pop those little bubbles for hours! And it drives hubby nuts! 🤭