I really was doing okay until today. Since I moved in with my oldest sister she leaves everything everywhere. So I accidentally but here clean clothes in her dirty clothes. When she said the other day that was her clean pile. So I tossed her clean clothes in th "clean pile". Then the next day she was like that my dirty pile now. And she said not to touch her stuff an I said ok. Today I was cleaning the bathroom her bra was on the door nob. Her room is literally right next to the bathroom. So I tossed her bra in her room. And I told her. Then she was like dont touch my stuff. And I told her stop leaving your stuff around the house. And she ran from behind me and pulled my hair. 5 of my fell out. I dont know how much more I can take. And now I have the worst headache.
Was doing good until today. - Anxiety and Depre...
Was doing good until today.

I don't know your circumstances , but if your sister asked you to not touch her stuff, then don't touch her stuff. It's simple really Pam
5 what fell out?
Did you find anyone to talk to yet?
Is there any possibility of ' live in ' accommodation with your new job?
Seems you may need some distance from family members?
She has my father's temper. I shouldn't have done that. And she bnb apologize. I was in the wrong.
I thought you were like your father ?
This is a difficult situation for you.
From one oppressive situation to another?
If seems you've moved from home where your Mom & sister were taking their hurt & grief out on you , rather than seeking healing and grieving together in a healthy manner.
You suffered emotionally and physically there.
Now you've moved in with your other sister, even if in you are in the wrong, her violent attack from behind is not acceptable.
Whilst thinking you were helping, doing a good thing in tidying up, your sister may have taken your acts as criticising her and felt hurt and humiliated.
Do you have your own room at your sister's? Is it a flat/apartment or a house? Are there just the two of you?
It's so difficult, having nowhere to live and not enough money coming in to rent.
If you have your own space at your sister's and can cope with using shared areas 'under her rules' , maybe you'll be ok there for a while? Is a bra on the bathroom handle really a significant issue? Not for your sister, it seems.
Have you thought any more about phoning a Domestic Abuse helpline anonymously to talk things through?
Have you met up with the Chaplain at work yet?
We all live in under the same roof. Yes I'm the most like my father. But she has my father's temper. I been to the chapel a couple of times. But if it happens again idk what I'll do.
Now I'm confused - you said :
" . . . since I moved in with my oldest sister , she leaves everything everywhere . . "
Now you say you all live under the same roof? ?
Do you still live at home with your mother and the sister who cut your hair off ?
You live with your Mom, two sisters and a brother?
I was wondering if you have cats and a dog - and are missing them having moved out - but now you say you haven't? ?
What do you mean by if it happens again you don't know what you'll do?
Have you actually met the Chaplain and found someone to talk with on a regular basis?
There is a way to move forward - even if slowly.
You Will Get Through This.
Have you ever heard of UCB ?
Google this:
" UCB Word For Today 23 September 2019."
It's a short article, won't take long to read. I'm sure you'll find it helpful. I did.
Yeah my other oldest sister decied to move in she was the one that cut my hair. She moved in 2 was ago. And yes I still live with my mom
So - you haven't just moved in with your older sister as you posted.
You said you really were doing OK till today . . . . .
I have only just seen this reply, sorry.
But still doesn't clarify your post?
So did your older sister move back home and then you have just moved into the same bedroom?
If, at the age of 19, you have to share a bedroom with an older sister who oppresses you and has committed assault against you on two occasions recently, then it's not going to work is it?
You say your mother understands? But what is she doing about it?
Your sister may find your tidiness difficult to tolerate - but you find her untidiness difficult to live with too.
It's give and take, learning how to get alongside each other without too much upset - calmly talking about things. Not actions ( like moving her stuff) or violence, assault.
You have equal rights in your home. It's not your fault.
You have a basic right to be safe and be yourself.
You care about your family - but you don't have to allow them to oppress you - nor accept it when they do.
Please take care & God Bless