It’s not common for me to seek advice but I think I need to.
Therapy is something I’ve always seen as an unbiased third party where I can voice all of my frustrations without having to feel guilty. I think deep down I’ve had an ulterior motive of wanting her to tell me that something is wrong with me so that I can somehow feel validated. Somewhere along the way I do wonder if I am exaggerating or making issues out of things that don’t concern me to make her pity me more. I’ve had this conversation of feeling like I’m making it all up and she seems to not worry about that as much as I do.
I’ve had one psychiatry appointment and I felt really unprepared and almost cornered. I feel like I said whatever I felt like I needed to while kind of hiding internally just until I could get out of there.
So I’m wondering - is it normal to go through these phases where everything is wrong and your anxiety is through the roof and you feel like things will always be like this. Only to then one day wake up and feel almost euphoric and dismissing everything you felt previously as dramatic and unreasonable? I don’t really know how to communicate these feelings to my doctor/therapist because when I’m in a good enough space to see them I usually am in that state of euphoria or somewhere close to it. Recording myself in one of the lesser moods doesn’t really seem necessary, though.
Any advice?