I have a question? I really hope somebody can help me with this, I’m having a lot of confusion, I have searched hours and hours online trying to find what’s normal and what isn’t, obviously I have anxiety and I’ve made several post on here before about what an anxious person I am, I have a panic attack‘s I have always dealt with shortness of breath due to panic and anxiety but this feels a little more physical not so much mental, I don’t know if I’ve always done this and I’ve never noticed it before but now I pay so much attention to my breathing ..... I noticed that I get somewhat winded toting in groceries in the house, walking fast, walking and talking Mopping and sweeping.... you know normal every day activities, I’m not going to say I’m full on out of breath that’s not the case I just feel like winded feeling!?? Is this normal does everybody feel this way!? Am I just reading too much into everything that I’m doing or should I be concerned... again I have severe anxiety... I acknowledge that that can cause some shortness of breath and no I don’t feel out of breath laying down or anything like that mostly just doing a little simple things.
What is normal and what isn’t!? - Anxiety and Depre...
What is normal and what isn’t!?
Hi Laesander , I understand what you're going through. When I was in my 20's I started having panic attacks...breathing problems, jelly legs/ dizziness and so many others. I was terrified I was dying .I had 2 little kids and I was going to college part time , lots of stress in my life . I went through therapy , going twice a week for two years. I was also on valium for a short time so I could calm down I have been anxiety free for around 45 years, I'm in my 70's now . Can you relate to that at all ?lol. If you look at some of my older posts about how I dealt with different anxiety issues it might help you. Anxiety is a beast and it can steal your life from you . Another tool to use against it is a book by Dr. Clair Weeks . I highly recommend it. 'Hope and Help for your Nerves' I think is the name of it . She wrote several and you might find something by her on you tube .
Thank you I will go check out your post, yes I can completely relate to what all you’ve gone through, that is definitely my life although I don’t take medications I do everything through CBT... I feel like once I get used to one thing and start to except it and live with it a whole new one starts... Brain fog was awful.. I always felt like I was living in a dream... Rapid heart was rough... convinced myself I had MS. Now I swear I can’t breathe ever.. I was more or less just trying to figure out if anybody could tell me if it was normal to feel a little out of breath just toting the groceries in the house from the car... sometimes if I can get people to reassure me that something is not abnormal I deal with it better. I guess it’s my way of speeding up the process of acceptance! About Claire weeks book back this summer and I have heard it through and through and it has been a tremendous help in my life I just go through phases now... I have come along way from where I was back in May and June it was the worst time of my life.

It sounds like you have a handle on this so I imagine you'll get through it pretty soon . For the breathing breath into a small paper bag until your head clears also drinking ice cold water can calm your breathing . Another thought is this ... all these things are symptoms and you need to find what is causing them . It won't be something physical, but something mental. For me it was low self esteem and the feeling that I wasn't in control of my life Therapy helped with that and so did finishing college . The more you accomplish the stronger your self worth is and overcoming this nervous disorder also builds you up . Good luck .
Hi yes it's normal to feel winded when doing exercise or heavy lifting etc. As long as you recover quickly without ill affects it's fine. Your heart is a muscle and as such it is good for it to be exercised. If you don't use it you lose it. I don't know your age though or whether you are a smoker. If over 40 and a smoker it could be the start of lung disease. If so it might be a good idea for your doctor to organise a breathing test for you (spirometry).
I am 31 non-smoker.... I have had chest x-rays EKGs etc. They can’t find anything. It’s not all the time. But like yesterday when I was bringing the groceries in After I sat them down I just noticed that I was a little winded and I just didn’t know if that was normal or not. Grabed a lot of them at the same time. Yes the recovery is usually quick. I’ll just feel it for 30 seconds to a minute. Also when I was picking up trash out of the yard bending over and staying in back up in an over and standing back up I noticed at then... I was just thinking at 31 and I should be able to bend over and pick stuff up repeatedly without feeling winded so that’s why I just wanted to know if most people experience that and that’s just a normal part of doing things. And when I say winded I don’t mean I’m falling out of breath and having a sit down... I mean I just feel where the chest tightness I have shortness of breath starting to come on.