I grew up with an emotionally abusive mother and a father who wasn’t always around to see it, or believe it. Things were very difficult for many years. They have been better for the last 3-4 years after I finally confronted them at 27 years old.
I don’t think that my mom will ever be able to accept or acknowledge that she was abusing me, but in a way I felt like I got through in some way when I confronted her. I felt like I was on a path to forgiving them even though it’s still hard without her being able to accept what she did.
Today everything unraveled.
I was telling a story about being bullied growing up and I tried to stand up for myself. It turned into her blaming me for not telling her, nothing excessive, but a couple of light jabs that triggered the feeling that I have only felt at the hand of her abuse.
I had to take a couple seconds to process.
My dad says “oh you’re not going to be grumpy now, are you? I calmly stood up, and said I need to leave.
It turned into my dad defending my mom, telling me that I shouldn’t feel how I felt. This is what he always did growing up. It just feels like I’m not being heard and teamed up on.
I was able to remain very calm and explain myself. My mom just cried and said “I’m sorry” over and over. I don’t believe that she is sorry for anything. She can’t tell me what she’s sorry about, she just acts like the word sorry will fix everything and she doesn’t have to acknowledge any wrong doing.
It’s tough. It just felt like years of hard work unraveled in the blink of an eye.
I don’t know if things will ever change. I feel like I have to be the adult in the situation and always take the high road just to have things be at peace. It’s hard. Today was a sad day.
I took the negative energy and turned it into some much needed exercise.
I’m proud that I stood up for myself and I am only looking forward.