Tired of being tired and forgetful - Anxiety and Depre...

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Tired of being tired and forgetful

β€’36 Replies

Our baby kitty is trying to make me feel better. So cute.

But, like the title says, I'm SO tired! Especially today, in the name of depression. πŸ˜”

Also, and associated with it is this brain fog (today in particular) has been upsetting. I couldn't remember my ATM pin that I've used for like, years. I can't think of words that I know but, won't come to me so, I ask my wife and she looks at me like WTF?!

I've had to rewind our show we're watching bc I don't remember what I just watched.

Has anyone experience this crud? What do you do that helps? I take supplements that support brain function. That's really it. Thanks for reading. πŸ™

36 Replies
AnxiousSilver profile image

"Has anyone experience this crud? What do you do that helps?"

Brain fog at times is a little rough.

I'm kinda going through it a little bit myself today. (heck I'm struggling to write a post that I want to write ATM, partly because of it)


I try to turn my brain off when I can.

People that know my condition, know that when I say I'm having a brain fog moment, they try to help.


But you know, "post-it notes" and "to-do lists" are good tools.

Sure.. You probably don't want to put, "This is my ATM number" in plain sight.

But.. Anything that helps to give your mind a break, I think helps.


Like, I'm looking at my current, "to-do" list.

If I were to try and constantly memorize what needs to be done, then that's wasted energy for my brain, and harder for me to shut off trying to remember it all.

If I need to do something the next day, I try to plan the day before. Usually I put everything I need into a plastic bag (and sometimes I overthink and plan with some of the items that I put in that bag - but sometimes that can be a good thing), and then I "try" to shut my brain off afterwards. (key word is try)


I get that all of this is common knowledge.

I get that all of this is "easier said than done stuff" at times too.


Maybe, what I typed helped. (I hope that it did)

Then again.. I currently battling "brain fog" myself ATM. (which hopefully I can get to eventually in a post)

in reply to AnxiousSilver

Thank you AnxiousSilver ! Everything you mentioned sounds very helpful and I think I'll try it. I've got tons of post its and, doing things to prepare from a previous day would help too.

Turning my brain off is something I'm working on but, it's tough. My mind is on 10 (on a scale of 1-10) most of the time.

Thank you again, your reply is helpful! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

PuzzleArt profile image

I have two things in common with you. I am so exhausted mentally and physically, and my cat is very good company. I was doing pretty well earlier, but maybe overdid and tried too hard. I am "all in" now.......energy completely gone. Recently, I have noticed I am getting perfectionistic about doing things, even though it wastes time, and is very frustrating. It seems to be a new behavior. I don't mean by that that I succeed in doing things perfectly, or am perfect myself, but I seem to get obsessed with little details that really don't matter. That results in continuing too long when I should stop and rest. Being tired, worried, or distracted can affect my memory, which usually is not too bad, but when my mind is occupied with worrying, I can forget the simplest things. I don't think this is humorous, but someone told me a kind of joke once that put it in perspective. ( Maybe it's an old joke but I never had heard it before) It was: "You're not getting Alzheimer's if you forget where you put the car keys..... but you should worry if you forget what the keys are for!" Right now I don't have to work regular hours at a job. That is good, because I don't think I could handle it. I can only handle feeding myself and my cat.

in reply to PuzzleArt

You can come and feed my cat he gets me up at 4 as for the keys you should see my new house bunch had to laugh at the joke😁 I had to take some off as have mam's house ones on too takes too long trying them all lol πŸ€—and I'm.always loosing them am getting a key hanger in hall 😊

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Lol Hidden ! πŸ’›

in reply to PuzzleArt

That joke was funny! Well, I don't feel so alone. I totally understand what you go through and I've never connected the two (being worried and it taking all my energy). Now, that totally makes sense. I've been so anxious lately.

I can't have a job either for the same reasons as you. Seriously like, I sometimes can't even get off the couch or out of bed and haven't left my home since January.

Thank you for sharing 😊

EndUser13 profile image

I like AnxiousSilver's reply. I second the use of post-it notes and lists, super handy. Also, the more you can check off of a list the more you are able to show yourself how productive you're being (so write lots of lil' things down and check them off). Those little wins will add up

in reply to EndUser13

Thank you EndUser13 ! I agree. In the past, I've made lists after I did the activities just to be able to check them off lol πŸ˜†

catmousefish profile image

You have a baby at 44? Well, they wake up a lot in the night and you might have lost sleep, your wife may have Postpartum depression. Midlife crisis or eating too much sugar and caffeine to compensate...eating Lucky Charm cereal? Good luck there, I feel for you.

in reply to catmousefish

No no, that's my baby kitty. 😊 We call her our baby. She's totally spoiled.

To talk about hormones, I do think some of my issues are caused by them but, I can't take hrt or anything bc I had pulmonary embolisms due to birth control pills in 2008. I definitely think I'm peri-menopausal. πŸ€”

Thank you πŸ™

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to

That happened to me as well as I had a blood clot that travelled to the lungs back in 2017 due to birth control pills and I was 41 at the time.

We have an extremely spoilt ginger tabby called Baby who is 19 and has lived to be 19 due to being spoilt!

Hi love that's me now been like it a while on off but more so since house move luckily I reached point just so tired had to sleep and fell straight to sleep when went to bed last night, sleep is crucial I'd say ask doctor for sleeping pills temporary just to get you some good sleeps but try the meditation cd then your getting a body rest hopefully the mind will nod off too during this, I know you can't have HRT, you could try getting out on a bike exercise to give you a lift and release natural seratonin if your fit enough and this will help you sleep naturally it's less effort than other exercise,limit you time on internet at night it can keep you awake, write list of to do jobs get them done one by one then it's one thing less to worry about just write stuff down, sending a hugs to you and your lovely cat from me and mine he's got back on bed as I did he woke me at 4 I let him out when it got light I thought if I go bed by ten I'll get 6 hours sleep, she's the image of my cat that died few years back now think told you Cristal, let's hope in our next life we will come back as cats then we will sleep 18hours a day as they do lol πŸ˜πŸ˜ΉπŸ’πŸŒŸπŸΌoh if your depresshion bad don't get the sleep pills unless your wife monitors them sorry

in reply to

Cats do have the good life don't they? Lol! I agree, sleep is so crucial. If I lack sleep, I can't function at all. My sleep hygiene has me started to go to bed at 10. I shower, do self care, and go to sleep eventually. Zyprexa helps me sleep but hangs on till the next day. I need it though.

As far as excercise, I like yoga. I can't do anything like high energy. My body just can't take it. But, yoga I can. I just need to stick with it.

I like to make lists but, usually end up not doing them.

Thank you Hidden so much!!! Hugs

Exhausted after play

in reply to


primrose81 profile image

Hi Swilly79, please try not to worry - easier said than done I know - but gosh a new baby at any age is monumental and causes so much stress and thereby puts paid to any sort of « normalΒ Β» routine. With our first child I just couldn’t relax at all, even when she was asleep - I would think what happens when she wakes up and I need to be prepared by doing so many things first, motherhood certainly didn’t come easily to me…you are probably worn- out too by your wife’s giving birth too. It all takes time to change and adapt. As you will have seen, you are in good company on this forum when it comes to brain fog - it drives my husband nuts when we are watching tv and I keep pausing whatever it is asking him to explain the plot etc, I just can’t mentally leap from one thing to the next. I have started taking magnesium glycinate and one capsule of magnesium theonate L at night, both help with brain fog and sleep. Also helps with anxiety as the magnesium we have naturally in our bodies as a mineral depletes when we are anxious. Good luck in your new life with your lovely baby.

in reply to primrose81

I should have specified (I'm sorry),the baby is our baby cat, we call her our baby bc we never had children together though I have 2 children from a previous marriage. They're 20 and 17.

I relate so much to your tv situation. I do that pretty much every time we watch something.

I will look into those supplements. Anything like that will help.

Thank you πŸ™ 😊

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Was it a difficult labour πŸ™„πŸ˜‚

in reply to

Lol terrible!

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to

Baby our ginger tabby got called Baby due to a comment I made to her mother when I had seen all the stuff she had bought for the new arrival like you do for a new baby and I had said you would think you were having a BABY not buying a kitten so the new arrival got renamed as BABY at the last minute!

in reply to Turnipgirl

Awwwww baby! Our cats nickname is "poop" bc she's a poop sometimes lol!!!

in reply to primrose81

Speaking of hormones though, I'm pretty sure I'm peri-menopausal. I can't take hormones though bc I had pulmonary embolisms in 2008 due to birth control pills. πŸ˜”It sucks. I try to look for alternatives but none have helped so far.

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to

I think my hormones are starting to go wonky as well as I have been having less days between my periods than I have been used to.

in reply to Turnipgirl

I had an endometrial ablation years ago so my cycle stopped but, my hormones are still quite active, this I know lol being a woman is fun πŸ˜„

in reply to

Hey actually men have a male menapause seriously a guy here takes hormone replacement πŸ™„

in reply to

That's true, now that you mentioned it. I forget. They go through a mid- life crisis! 😳

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Maby they just use it as excuse to be grumpy and child like going off having affairs lol

in reply to

Lol! Spot on!

in reply to

Hi how are you I've done a post for NBB and bird lovers raining here again I'm waiting for full moon πŸ™πŸŒ

in reply to

Hi πŸ‘‹ πŸ™‚ I'm ok at the moment. Tired as usual. How are you? I gotta take a look at the post!

in reply to

I'm ok thanks tired too lol I'm up early got stuff to do in town centre so bed early hav to get a bus there hope you sleep well πŸ™πŸ’›πŸΌ

in reply to

Hugs, you too! πŸ€— Have a restful evening

πŸ™„ needed dustbin today wish hadn't put wrong one out 😰🀦🀩

One pile
in reply to

Oh gosh! Well, you're productive and that's great!

PuzzleArt profile image

This is what happened to me today that made me wonder whether I'm able to "fire up on all cylinders", but also got me to a point that I accepted that maybe I can't, but am still okay with it. I did have a stressful week recently, and it drained my energy, but I thought that, since I don't have too many responsibilities right now, I could function at least on a simpler level. I have been having trouble keeping track of things. When I couldn't find my distance glasses (which were in their glasscase the last time I saw them), at first I got upset and was looking everywhere, sweeping under the bed in panic, while trying to be very careful not to hurt my back. I did have my reading glasses and could see to read, but needed the others to go outside my apartment comfortably. I decided it was much better for me to "let it go" and wait. Maybe they would pop up later. It wasn't that I was becoming wiser that I just let it go. I was just too tired, and physically weak to keep looking. (They actually did show up about 3 days later). However, this isn't even the funny part about forgetting things. What happened today was really hilarious. Because I can misplace things so easily, like addresses or phone numbers before I get them written in a book, I have been trying to keep up with things. The way I have been trying to do this is by getting very particular, and perfectionistic, about small things. For example, I like both caffeinated and decaf coffee. I enjoy the taste and like the caffeine in the morning, but can't have the caffeine later in the day. Also, I WILL save extra coffee for one day in the fridge, since one coffeepot full is sometimes too much, and I don't like to throw it away the same day. I haven't noticed that it ruins the taste, and I can do this with both caffeinated and decaf. This morning I saw I still had the coffeepot all prepped with regular coffee, not brewed yet, and the water all ready to go, from yesterday, because I had been too busy to stop right then to enjoy a cup. I had some decaf in the fridge. So I printed this really legible, neat note saying "Caffeinated" and taped it to the side of the coffee pot very carefully. Well, if there was any doubt about whether I had gotten it wrong and it was really "Decaf", I soon was in no doubt. After I got this very neat note cut in a perfect rectangle and taped to the side, I spied something on the top of the coffeemaker.... It was a note taped on top that said "Caffeinated" which I had put there yesterday evening. One positive thing was I started laughing and really forgot to worry about my memory. It was just too funny!

in reply to PuzzleArt

That is funny! I loved your reply, makes me feel not so alone and, it was humorous πŸ™‚β˜ΊοΈ Thank you for sharing 😊 hug

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