Hello ,
I’ve got a telephone appointment with my psychiatrist on Friday. I always get super wound up about these appointments because I don’t really feel listened to. However, it could be that I’m not very good about explaining how I’m feeling. During the many years I’d raising four children, I felt I couldn’t ever really be honest about how I feel because someone would come and take my kids away. I just want to express that I feel really really low and often think about the day when I can leave. Life has been too cruel to me and I’m really struggling. I also need her to write to my GP to explain that not only am I housebound due to physical illnesses but it’s also because of my PTSD. I’m really fed up with doctors telling me to go to this app and that app but I can’t. I’d need someone to go with me but I don’t have anyone. The other thing is that I just can’t sleep. I’m so exhausted. Anyway, thanks for listening. X