Help me: I feel like I’m losing my mind... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Help me

Rufus07 profile image
49 Replies

I feel like I’m losing my mind! Nonstop hysterical crying for the past 3 days! Nothing happened to bring this on. I feel like I just need to be locked away and forgotten about. I’m not suicidal. I don’t know how to deal with this. My partner feels horrible because there is nothing he can do. I’ve been very depressed often, but I haven’t felt like this in a while. I have friends that love and care about me, but they just don’t understand. I’m sure they are sick of seeing me like this.they just pretty much just tell me to get myself together. Which of course I can’t do. I feel so lost and helpless! I feel like such a burden. I’m never happy and I do nothing but stay in the house. When I’m like this nothing matters. I just want to fade away so people don’t have to deal with me. It’s so bad I can’t even go outside. I just sit in the house and bawl my eyes out. I haven’t been able to eat either. Showering is last on the list. I can’t and don’t want to go anywhere because I randomly burst out crying and can’t stop. That would be great for my social anxiety. Having everyone stare and talk about me. I feel so lonely and detached from this world. I’ve been dealing with this for 30 + years with it getting worse the older I get. Menopause makes it even worse. I just can’t win and I’m tired. It’s like my brain chemistry is so messed up there is no fixing it. I started another new med 3 months ago and my mood seems to have gotten worse. I’ll be reaching out to my doctor tomorrow. Maybe I need a higher dose, maybe stop altogether. Therapy has never worked for me so that’s not really an option. Im stuck in this deep dark spiral into hell.

Thank you for listening

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Rufus07 profile image
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49 Replies
Raindrops3 profile image

I know what you mean about feeling like the people in your life are probably tired of hearing it. There are things in my life that I keep trying to change, but no matter what I try, I just fail over and over again. I think everyone I love is sick of me too.

I hope you find some peace soon.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toRaindrops3

Thank you so much!

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply toRaindrops3

I feel the same re. that people don't want to hear how I feel A lot of the time, and good that we do have this platform, or site to vent & get & give help. It's hard to change one's mind set to positive when things in our lives are, well, not that positive. Right now, I am dealing with feeling kinda sorry for myself & I don't want to be like that --Am Aging All Alone (lost my Sig. Other two year Anniversary yesterday of his passing). Will be spending Thanksgiving All Alone & the rest of the holidays & tears running down my face right now thinking about it. Oh, now, I don't want a "Pity Party," & I feel for the person who is in so much pain who wrote the post, and all of us who are in emotional pain. How do we change our mind set is the question I put before us??? Yes, I am grateful for the things that I do have, and I guess that is a start! Anyway, we are NOT alone even tho. we may feel like it, at times.

Yes, feeling it too. What can you, distract yourself with youtube, just google and choose music, gardening, cooking or any topic you like and see if that helps. Also I like colouring, it just a way of getting back into myself and keeping busy while I try to feel better about myself and situation. But I do feel like giving up work and just resting unfortunately my boss won't give me any holidays off. I did miserable at work and made mistakes which I can't get over. I soldier on as what can one do. I know one day it will be alright, with all the effort I put in. You do want easy route to life and just get a break

I am just going minute by minute with breaks on my course/project I am doing

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply to

Thank you for your response. Unfortunately when I get like this, there is no distracting me. I can’t function. I feel paralyzed. Hopefully this will get better later. My klonopin does help, thank God.

in reply toRufus07

hugs xxx

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply to


CL3V3R-G1RL profile image

Yeah hormones can be playing apart. I have thyroid condition and I'm also a sensitive person so I feel things deeply. Even such a thing as a "small dose" in medication made me so anxious it was ridiculous. Took me forever to convince a doctor to put me back on my tiny dose.

Now I wonder with the way I'm feeling is anxiety or my thyroid. Because they both cause the same damn things. Like you I cry...a lot.

I have to go and do blood work at a place and I'm scared. I hate having to travel a distance to do this. But I need to do it because I need to see my psychiatrist to get my anxiety meds. Plus maybe I can get an answer if it's just me or there's something really wrong with me. I think Ill be disappointed if it turns out if it's just me cause that means it's all mental and I don't know how to go about it 🫤

Sending love and hugs 🫂❤️

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toCL3V3R-G1RL

Love and hugs back to you❤️. Add menopause weight gain too. At least for me. Makes me feel disgusting and makes the depression worse. I am on hrt and thyroid meds also. My blood work says I’m in the normal range, but other than the night sweats pretty much gone, I haven’t seen a difference in my mood.

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply toCL3V3R-G1RL

Just want to say that one cannot really separate the physical from the mental -- they go hand in hand --one affects the other. I have a thyroid cond. for years & Anxiety & Depression. Had my thyroid radiated, and taking Thyroid replacement med. everyday. But, the med. is Never like Nature --that's why I get blood tests on my thyroid (and other metabolic panel ) every three Months. But, it's (thyroid) never like nature! Have an anxiety disorder & get depressed (life situations) & physical & emotional & mental --one affects the other. Not easy!

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
CL3V3R-G1RL in reply toWeatherwoman

I get mine tested every 6 months. I already had anxiety before the thyroid. But I do feel the thyroid kind of kicked it into overdrive. And it's hard communicating that with doctors. Because as soon as you mentioned you have anxiety. Then that's it. Can't be anything else wrong with you. It's you. Can't be the thyroid or the medication for the thyroid. It's so frustrating.

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply toCL3V3R-G1RL

Yes, it is frustrating. However, it is a known fact that our thyroid affects ALL our organs incl. the brain. All doctors KNOW this! The medical profession needs to understand that our physical & mental health are NOT separated. I don't know what they learn in medical training; but, I do think that if doctors don't know exactly what is going on, then they blame it on our Anxiety. I, too, had Anxiety before (since I was born), but when I developed a goiter, a multi cystic goiter, it took a few years to get the diag. of hyperthyroidism. Then, one of the cysts became toxic & I developed hyperthyroid. Had Radio-active iodine which "killed" my thyroid & have to take synthetic thyroid hormone everyday. One day, & I hope soon the medical profession will treat the Whole person --that's hasn't happened, as yet!

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply toWeatherwoman

Let it be known that I am NOT blaming All my anxiety on my thyroid by No means --I have been a nervous person, like I stated since birth --Generational Anxiety, my Mother & Grandmother Very nervous, etc. However, my thyroid being so off contributed to making my Anxiety Much worse. My Severe Anx. Disorder has many factors incl. Nature, and Nurture & many stressors in life. Being human, most people have some anxiety, unfortunately those with nervous illness just have more than the average!

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
CL3V3R-G1RL in reply toWeatherwoman

Ooh I agree with you. I fully believe if that doctor would have taken me seriously, I wouldn't have fallen as far down the rabbit hole. I wouldn't have these thoughts, worries and now zero trust in the medical community. I used to have 100% trust. Now I get anxious with doctor's appointments and their advice because I don't want to be hurt again.

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply toCL3V3R-G1RL

I could have written Exactly what you wrote. Unfortunately, I didn't know any better & got on too many prescription drugs which I cannot get off of now! Doctor's are brainwashed by Big Pharma, and then their patients get brainwashed by their doctor especially years ago when there wasn't so much info. & when people put doctor's in charge & trusted the "Experts!" I don't trust them anymore, but it's kind of "late in the game" getting off of meds. Though, I have cut down on some & now do tell my doctor how I feel. She listens! If my hyperthroid. had been diag. earlier, and my Mitral Valve Prolapse had been diag. Years before it did, then I won't have had SO much suffering as I did both physically & mentally. Also, in my time there was Unbelievable Stigma with people who had anxiety, depression & we suffered in complete silence. There was NO proper, or any help in those days & we just kept silence. I hear you, and sorry that your doctor "missed the boat," & many of us have had the same experiences.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toWeatherwoman

My mother also suffered in silence. She’s told me many times how she felt like she would have been a better mother if she had some help from meds. I’ve thought of trying to get off some of my meds, but it’s scary. What is I get worse and have to start all over again. And I agree, doctors are brainwashed. It’s all about the money. Thank you for your reply and I hope you have a blessed day

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply toRufus07

Thank you! Some people may just have to take certain meds. all their lives, and that's alright if that helps them!

This is terrible, when you don't know what's causing it, or what will help you. I've had this my whole life - I would refuse to go to school; later in life, needed medical leaves from work because of it. Has there been any trauma in your life? I was hospitalized as a child; they said I keep things bottled up. Keep writing here for support. Not many people on the outside will understand, or feel your pain,

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply to

Other than 2 divorces, on of which was pretty traumatic, there has been no real trauma in my life. I guess I’m on of the fortunate ones. Thank you for your support ❤️

Divorce can be very traumatic, I went through one - took me years to get any confidence back, yet I've never been the same since. Could be stress causing all the crying, plus beating yourself up about everything, when it's hardly your fault at all. I've heard of people having PTSD from events they can't even remember. Either from being too young to remember, or blocking out of the memory of the event. I hope you will be able to ease up on yourself.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply to

It was traumatic and it was 22 years ago so I have well gotten over it I believe. I’ve been in a relationship for 10 years with a wonderful man

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply toRufus07

Oh, count yourself lucky to have a wonderful man. This is not to minimize your pain in anyway, or diminish how you feel. I am sure you are very grateful for the wonderful relationship.

That's super! Same with me - bad marriage, now a great, caring guy. Must be body chemistry related. Getting older seems to change things around, It;s confusing and hard to accept.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply to

I’ve found getting older changes everything physically and is confusing and hard to accept. I agree

majones_0608 profile image

I can tell you what works for me when I am all worked up and scared: I was told about this great supplement called myocalm plus from my chiropractor that helps me calm down. It is this stuff that has chamomile I think and valerian root and some other herbs. Now keep in mind, I am not a doctor, but this works for me. If you are too nervous to try it, then try that tea called cup of calm that you can just buy at the grocery store or on too I think. It is from the tea company called traditional medicinals. They have good teas that can really help. I just have a couple cups of that tea and I feel so much better after that. It has chamomile and lavender and some other stuff to calm you down naturally without having to take medication. Both these options help me but it is hard to say how it will work for you since I am not your doctor. But I wish you luck and I hope you feel better soon.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply tomajones_0608

Thank you for the suggestions. Unfortunately when I get this inconsolable I grab my klonopin for almost instant relief. But I will look into the teas

majones_0608 profile image
majones_0608 in reply toRufus07

You are very welcome. I wish you luck.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply tomajones_0608

Thank you

AnxietyBGone profile image
AnxietyBGone in reply tomajones_0608

I love Traditional Medicinals tea...I have never tried Cup of Calm so thank you for recommending this, I will try it. I would rather find herbal alternatives to medication.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toAnxietyBGone

I’m all for herbal too. But my thoughts are I’m going to have to go off all my meds to see if they work. And that’s scary for me.

AnxietyBGone profile image
AnxietyBGone in reply toRufus07

I can definitely understand that. I haven't started medication because I am scared to. But I'm getting worse so I don't know how much longer I can continue the way I'm feeling before trying medication. This is all so hard.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toAnxietyBGone

I just got on Amazon and ordered this. I’m anxious to see if it helps

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toAnxietyBGone

have you found any herbal remedies that work for you

AnxietyBGone profile image
AnxietyBGone in reply toRufus07

I find drinking a cup of tea that has Kava in it sometimes helps lessen anxiety. Also saffron and passionflower can be helpful. I will say it doesn't prevent my anxiety but I find it can lessen an attack.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toAnxietyBGone

Are the saffron and passionflower teas

AnxietyBGone profile image
AnxietyBGone in reply toRufus07

I am sure you can find them in tea but I take them in a liquid form that I get from a local health food store.

Zhangliqun profile image

Do you have a diagnosis?

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toZhangliqun

MDD, GAD, social anxiety are the major ones

Zhangliqun profile image

I have the first two.

Have they given you duloxetine for anxiety by day, trazadone at night? That seems to be a winning formula for me.

Also coping skills -- learning to focus on pleasant things because the more your mind is off the anxiety, the weaker the anxiety gets. The simpler and sillier the pleasant thing, the better.

And finally, you have to believe (because it's true) that what your mood disorders are telling you about reality is a pack of lies.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toZhangliqun

I’m on klonopin for the anxiety along with four other for the depression and anxiety also. I’m still and have been trying to find coping skills that will work for me. When I am so deep in the black hole, nothing can even touch it. I agree with the last paragraph, but sometimes it’s hard.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toZhangliqun

Oh, and add bipolar 2 to the cocktail also

Zhangliqun profile image
Zhangliqun in reply toRufus07

I don't have that but know someone who does -- though I think he's a 1 rather than 2. So I can help with the down side of the cycle but not the up.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toZhangliqun

I don’t have the up end too often. But when I’m depressed, it’s pretty major.

Zhangliqun profile image

One 'secret' coping skill is recognizing that it's one thing to have a mood disorder, but a far worse thing to think about the fact that you have a mood disorder. Doing so almost always makes it worse.

Getting it off your mind and focusing on something pleasant is huge. This does not -- say again does not -- mean trying to con yourself into thinking you're not sick after all. You are. So am I. Period. No mind game is going to change that.

But it does mean thinking about your illness only to the extent that it is absolutely necessary and no more than that. Like when you see the therapist or doctor, when it's time to take meds, when you call to make an appointment, when to deploy these coping skills.

Instead focus on pleasant scenes, things and memories. The scenes and things that work for me are looking at fall foliage (can be done year round on the net), going to a pet store and watching the lop-eared bunnies in their pen, thinking about great food, remembering vacations or visiting relatives. For me, just walking around a hardware store cheers me up because it gets me in a constructive state of mind, causes me to think of things I can fix or build.

Your pleasant scenes etc will likely be different, but the simpler and sillier they,are, the better.

This will be hard at first but don't give up, you'll get slowly better at it as you go.

I have other coping skills if interested, but for now, give that one a try.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toZhangliqun

I will give it a try. Thank you

FightingTheDark profile image

Though I am a male, 64, I have many of the same feelings. I did go into the clinic this morning and both got something prescribed, and talked with a psychologist. I share your feelings about being a burden to others. I tend to just shut down and not go anywhere. All I can say is you are not alone.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toFightingTheDark

Sometimes I feel alone because some of my people don’t understand.

FightingTheDark profile image
FightingTheDark in reply toRufus07

I don't think anyone who hasn't suffered from depression in a major way can't entirely emphasize. You have to have gone through a crisis to have any idea how it devastates one's life. I have pretty much stopped talking about it with most of my friends, except for one who has had similar issues.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toFightingTheDark

I’ve pretty much stopped talking too. Other than my partner, I can talk to my mom because she’s been there too. She understands.

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