one of my sons wrote this :
I am everything I manifest myself to be. I am everything I think, speak, & do. I am free. When I say I am the love and the light of this universe, I am. I am pure consciousness. My ability to manifest is infinite as is my ability to create. Furthermore, fear and anxiety do not truely exist. Emotions are only states of being which are allowed into existance by the conciousness. They cease to exist when the conscious being choses to let go and be free from within. Nothing can go wrong because everything is perfect as I percieve my existence to be as such. Emotions match thoughts and this is how we manifest. Thoughts lacking emotion cary no energy. Thoughts that have strong energy behind them will reflect back into your world. The reality we see is of our chosing. Like a mirror which reflects back not what we want to see, but exactly what we put out. The energy of my thoughts, words and actions, come back like a boomerang or a reflection of that same energy only with different form or appearance. Energy never lies.