About a week ago I started feeling queezy in my stomach and this started my anxiety and then depression or maybe my anxiety/depression might have started my sick stomach; I’m not sure. I had been doing well. Lots of energy and sleeping well and boom; this started. I don’t have health insurance; lost it when I moved back home. I have a dr for my meds only. Has anyone else experienced this nervous stomach thing? It could be a reaction to our ongoing pandemic, political unrest, or the winter weather coming soon and shortened days. I don’t know. Any thoughts?
Nausea and headache with no energy - Anxiety and Depre...
Nausea and headache with no energy

Yes I am having the same exact nausea issue. Like you I'm not sure if the anxiety/depression brought it on or if the nausea started my anxiety/depression. I just went back on antidepressants this week after being off meds and well for a year and 1/2. I can relate exactly to what you are going through.
I think you ladies are suffering from worry, this can turn the body upside down. Please be kind to yourselves, I do not worry about anything, I learnt this lesson 30 years ago, It helped my stomach, brain and general feelings thru out my body. If you think that is the cause, let me know, I have 3 valuable lessons that taught me to give up worry. I wish you ladies well, sending strength, peace, love n big virtual hugs.......Sprinkle 1.....
Thank you Sprinkle1. I wish I could control it. It is more like a light I can’t turn off. I am trying more meditation to build up my peace of mind.
I learnt to turn the light off, had a wonderful therapist who taught me lessons, which I will list for you, you need to practice them daily, that is what helped me. First lesson, Don't go mountain climbing over mole hills! 2nd, Worry is like a rocking chair, it is in motion - but it is going No Where! 3rd, 50% of things we worry about Never happen, the other 50% we will deal with when they happen, if they happen? So why worry? I used to have a degree in worry, once I gave it up it made my life So much better. I know IBS is awful, I went thru that, the Dr. checked me for cancer, I was clear, put me on a tranquilizer & a plain diet, no alcohol except wine, it worked, took several months, but I have been quite free since, it was stress that brought mine on. I hope these lessons help you, and ab22. I send you both peace, love n big virtual hugs.....
That's one of my things. I go through these strong bouts with IBS and that's one of the features. It feels miserable, and I always think there's something seriously "wrong"...but it comes and goes with the anxiety (and sometimes perpetuates more anxiety, unfortunately).
Hello. I just joined. I have suffered bad stomach problems these past 4 months. I believe it is stress related. I am miserable. Lost 10 pounds didn't need to lose. I think with the pandemic and the new life we have its causing all these problems.