while I was out hiking I decided that I’m no longer going to interact with people that have negative energy or are just plain bad actors. These people bait you into conflicts that would just be better off ignored. Plus people hate being ignored and it may just be the best recipe. Instead of getting angry and being vindictive I’m going to pretend they don’t exist. I’d rather be in peace and solitude in the mountains than in an argument with a miserable person. Wish I was better at brushing off bad interactions but I can’t. That’s why I’m also no longer doing social media, Reddit or engage in online comments on YouTube.
New plan- ignore negative energy and ... - Anxiety and Depre...
New plan- ignore negative energy and bad actors

Well I’m a concierge/receptionist at a Senior Living Community. Unfortunately, I come into contact with some disagreeable people. Part of my job is being like an actress. There’s a sleazy tenant who fancies himself the Community Romeo. He had the nerve to ask me for a female resident’s cell number. I politely told him that I don’t give out numbers. He left the front desk quickly.
Not a bad decision. Avoid anything toxic... At least you didn't hurt anyone, plus, it is better to be alive than suicidal or die in silence. More grace! Shalom!
Thanks. I just want my life to be easier and it seems whenever I stick up for myself it just makes it worse. Because the other person just retaliates and it just keeps the cycle going. That’s why I think die in silence doesn’t sound that bad to me. I would like to be alive and just open to everyone but that just doesn’t seem to always work out.
You are welcome. The truth is that in taking a stand there is mostly a collision. This is because there is an offensive force attempting to flood us with discomfort and inconveniences. And, it is a wedge that can resist it. If the force is turbulent and abrasive, it will keep coming back to find a way through. These are the RETALIATIONS.
A lot of humans are very offensive. But, think of the force and wedge analysis above, the only way to stop those assaults is to stand up and to stand up expecting a retaliation. Mind you, even if you feel bad, celebrate yourself that you are at least COURAGEOUS, exercising your human rights, and fearless. But, in all this we must try to be humble, polite, and respectful.
Thank you. ☺️
wow...sleazebag alert in a senior living community...some things never change.
lol 😂 U crack me up. And the pervert has the nerve to come to the front desk and ask me for female residents’ phone numbers!!
Makes me wonder what he was expecting you to say. I mean, was he fully expecting you to say "sure thing, buddy. It is _____"?🤦♀️
God only knows!! I’m very nice and polite to the residents and visitors. But if he thought that he was going to play me for a sucker, he had another thing coming.
I'm sure you are. I'm sure that's exactly what he thougt (that he could play you). You won't do this I know, but imagine if next time you could play him back by saying, "sure thing. Since the director (manager or whatever the title is) is the one with the phone numbers, let me call them for you. I'm sure they'd be happy to help".
in my job, I have a list of all of the residents’ phone numbers. I use them every day to call them for meal orders, etc. This low life knows I have the list.
Well, shoot.
He has been preying on vulnerable women who live in the community. The latest woman he has pursued is a tough broad who won’t put up with his crap 💩 I gave her a heads up as well. We have had our share of perverts on HU. I was vulnerable and the Perv had a similar background to me. In reality it was a creepy experience for me. I would rather be alone than be with a creep.
That's the thing, isn't it? It's a pattern for these people. I didn't find this out until later, but I was just another victim to my abuser. She preys on vulnerable people in my age group. It hurt like Hell to find this out, btw. Especially since she said she loved and cared for me. I seriously don't know where some people get off. These people are delusional to be giving themselves the right to be abusive and traumatizing to others.
Yes, you've shared your story with me and I'm very sorry that happened to you.
Those kind of jerks kinda make me throw up in my mouth a bit...yukko.
Well the pervert who resides in the community where I work was at it again. One of the female residents in the community broke up with him again. She spoke to my boss about the Perv’s behavior today. When I came back from my meal break, I found out that he had been incessantly knocking on her door. I called my boss and my boss told the Perv to leave the resident alone. I say kick his Ass out of the place.
Absolutely... and if he won't stop, have the tenant being harassed file a restraining order....that would be funny actually ...kind of.... Some people just feel entitled to do what they want and have what they want...no matter what.
you are definitely correct. The perv is very arrogant and thinks he knows everything.
Those are the ones who are clueless....
that is so true.
It never ceased to amaze me at the narcissistic minds of some guys I worked with. I worked most of all my working life with almost all men and their little heads doing most of their thinking.- Not all guys were like that, and those who weren't like that, were the guys who were my friends, I preferred guy friends. And actually, it's the jerks with the big beer bellies hanging out from under a T-shirt 10 sizes too small bragging about going after some women they see walking buy....seriously? Do they really think they are some kind of catch?....that's the clueless.
I agree with you...
I agree that is the best way to react.
Thanks. It’s easier said than done for me personally. All I can do is try and pray that might nerves don’t breakdown in the meantime.