This happens so frequently, and I have talked about it with my counselor frequently as well. Authority figures. I don’t do well with authority figures.
The thinking in my brain is that they are always right, they are always looking at me and judging my performance, and they are always finding things to criticize.
The feeling is just to be terrified of fault finding and judgement.
And mostly the doing/behavior is just to feel anxious and scared at work every time I see her approach and every time she looks in my direction. I also don’t talk to her very much, sometimes even when it is necessary to communicate something work related. It’s frankly ridiculous how helpless this makes me feel and act.
The truth is that I have a very decent manager who even gave me employee of the month recognition. She has been appreciative and positive and even friendly.
I’m not sure how to progress out of this thinking/ feeling/ doing cycle. Any suggestions?