I am wondering if anyone here has any advice on dealing with workplace anxiety caused by forced Team Building activities, mandatory company outings, and basically “forced” fun? I have been at my current job for a year now and realized quite quickly this is company is total opposite of my personality. None of these things were mentioned at the interview when I was applying for the job and none of these activities even have anything to do with what I do at work but we are always forced into these all day long events where we have to do team activities and spend a day with people that don’t even work at our location but work for the same company which for someone like me is very stressful as I don’t even know most of these people. I don’t know what to do, what to say, and I feel physically ill everytime these things going on. They don’t seem to realize that this isn’t fun for everyone and that for some people this is really hard. Without going into too much right now I can’t just quit my job at the moment and even if I could the social anxiety would still follow me to another job .
Anxiety at work: I am wondering if... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety at work

These types of outings are absolutely dreadful. I also had to participate in a few of them. Unfortunately, you really have to go if you want to keep your job and get salary increases, etc. The only thing you can do is just accept the misery; I don't think there is any way to make the day pleasant at all. You just have to grin and bear it in my opinion. The only consolation is probably that most people dislike them. Unfortunately, though, you should never complain about them to co-workers as this information can get back to the powers that be and cost you your job. Possibly a mild, long lasting tranquilizer would help such as a quarter or half a mg. of klonepin.
Yeah, I’ve never complained to anyone at work about it but it really makes me want to leave my job. It’s really hard for me and I stay awake at night worrying about these events days sometimes weeks leading up to it. It’s so debilitating. No matter how hard I try I can’t just go up to a bunch of people and start talking like everyone else there does and when they do the annual reviews I feel like they keep trying to change my who I am. I’ve always been quiet and introverted and they always say how they wish I would come down and chat more and so I get docked points for that. I don’t come down and talk more because that’s just not me and also I don’t have the same work as they do and I don’t have time to come down and talk and sit around like they do or I fall behind on my work and there is no one to help me with my stuff if I get behind.
Do you think therapy would help you to be able to chat a little more? It might be worth trying. Also, antidepressants could be a help. You might look into both. It is unfortunate that the company expects you to chat, as this does not seem in any way to be related to job performance. You could also gradually look for a new job, without letting anyone at your present company know you are looking. I really understand, as these outings are a nightmare. I think everyone just pretends to enjoy them, but everyone, except the bosses despises them.
I am hoping to start therapy very soon like in the next month or so but I’ve had a lot of expenses lately and have to wait until I have enough funds to keep this going. I know for me personally I will likely need therapy for several months or even years. I am hoping therapy works and as I’d like to try that first before going on some prescription drugs for my problems. In general I don’t like the idea of taking medication nonstop.
I understand. Therapy can be very helpful and you can decide at some later date if you think ante depressants would help. You do not have to take them. I will say, though, that I did take them and they made a huge positive difference in my life. x
I wonder if, when you start therapy, your counselor could give you a note to get you out of these tortuous events. Being excused from them seems a reasonable accommodation for an disability (anxiety). I am so sorry you are having to deal with this.
Perhaps but since these events are so important to my company I wonder if they will try to fire me over this? If things don’t cool off over here with these types of things I will quit eventually but I’m not ready to be fired without any other job lined up or money saved. I just hope there is some way to deal with this that isn’t so stressful for me while I’m still stuck at this job.
I hope you can find something better suited. These requirements are a kind of theft of time. Do you get paid for going?
Try self hypnosis, go to potentials unlimited on line, get a self confidence download, they work. will help you cope with the job situation.
Hello @LEK8,
I more than understand what you feel. I hate when work steps into my private world. And such "team biulding" or "team meeting" stuffs are more than useless when you are either shy or just in a "I feel well alone at work" mood.
There are 2 solutions, I think of.
The first one is, as those "events" are not your work, not take part of them. You are not a party-ist, you are a whatever your job is. Just say so to your manager, explaining that you'd rather earn your wage with your work than with those events.
Second one, if they pressure you to take part, do the absolute minimum during the day. The minimum is "be there", nothing more, no mocking or trying to make happy face. Just be here physically. They will not be able to tell you that your were not here, but they will understand that such plate are not your plate !
Hope this helps,
Take Care
Love from France