As soon as I got to work a customer accused me of being rude. I hadn’t even spoke yet. The line was way backed up. Then I cut my finger. So I got off to a very busy bad start. This sent me into anxiety. I’ve been here 4 1/2 hours and this is the first time I sat. The problem is it’s been so busy I haven’t done any of my extra duties. I work register. Alone. I’ve been anxious all night and my legs, feet and back feel like they are going to explode. I have so much to do but just need a minute. This just isn’t good for me. I’m messed up and my body can’t handle this. I really love working. I love the people. My son and I share my car so I need these hours. There is nothing else close. If I quit I won’t do anything. I did this to get out of my house. The thought of quitting makes me want to cry yet I can’t physically handle it. Usually I’m so happy at work. I got to work off the wrong side of the bed I guess.
To top it off my son had shoulder surgery and he keeps passing out convulsing. He did last night so I got no sleep worried about him in ER and talking to his wife. I warned her he wouldn’t handle it well but this is more than even I thought. My husband passes out too every time they draw blood or he sees blood or gets needles. Craziest thing. All I can say is Thank God I don’t. I’d never be conscious!