Am I going to risk killing myself if I drink a glass of wine after taking a small amount .5mg of lorazapam? I really want to have a drink with a friend but I took .5mg of lorazapam last night to calm my nerves.
.5mg of lorazapam and a glass of wine - Anxiety and Depre...
.5mg of lorazapam and a glass of wine

It is recommended to not drink alcohol while on Benzo. I would suggest calling your pharmacy for a medical answer to your question.
That might be your best source for safety
Thank you for responding. I was told I couldn't have any alcohol with any dose of lorazapam. Bummer. It honestly doesn't feel as if the lorazapam does very much and neither does one glass of wine so I feel as if they are just being extra cautious. I guess I'll just order some seltzer or a mocktail of some sort.
Thanks. I know you are 100% correct. This really isn't the best place to turn to for advice on mixing drugs and alcohol. Intellectually I already know the answer. I just want to feel normal and do normal things. I always used to go out and have drinks with my friends and I really have an urge to go out and drink with them. I know it's the wrong thing to do. Going to be so hard to resist. I really didn't want to take meds, but my anxiety is so bad I can't sleep, and I have to force feed myself so as not to waste away. Next week I'm going away with friends and I'm going to try really hard to act normal and not drink. They have no idea how bad I am. I don't want to tell them. I don't want them to worry. Thanks for listening. It's nice to have someplace where I can vent and nobody knows who I am.
If it was the night before that you took it, there probably won't be much of an interaction if any, especially with many hours in-between. I take an occasional 1 mg at bedtime. One evening had a very small glass of wine and was fine. But everyone metabolizes differently and I wouldn't take them together.
Google says: Controlled substance. Can cause paranoid or suicidal ideation and impair memory, judgment, and coordination. Combining with other substances, particularly alcohol, can slow breathing and possibly lead to death.
As others say we cannot give advice here. We all react differently. I can promise that it won't be giving up a drink forever unless you need to really increase meds for your holistic benefit. This is a low dose of Ativan that you have now that sounds situational and not long term. Most docs won't write benzos for too long, hence respecting the mixing of meds/alochol is for your safety. If you don't think it is working, I do think you should ask your Dr. If it was working, you may not feel as worried about your trip. I get it! For me it was hard enough to be around people that close for an extended the period. I feared driving on any Benzo or really anything for years. My body can handle 1mg of Klonopin and I can drive safely as I take one in the AM and PM. As for drinking....I did mix in my younger years, my 20s. Not often or really intentionally, just didn't think (like duh). It really did enhance the effects negatively and it actually took me awhile to understood why I had a hang over with one glass of wine. Maybe the trade off isn't so bad for now.....your mental health is so important!
I used to drink a glass of wine with 2mg Klonopin.I did this frequently for ten years. Nothing bad happened to me. Currently I rarely drink. Talk to your Psychiatrist. My Psychiatrist told me one glass of wine was okay. But not to drink more than one glass of wine. But I think there is a risk mixing alcohol with Benzos. I was willing to take that risk.
I drank wine and even beer while taking klonopin and never had any issues. I didn't drink excessively but moderately which I do anyway.
Not a good idea. Even if you get away with it at a low dose, should your dosage get bumped up, it will make things more difficult for you.
Does your friend know? probably would be a good idea to let her know you can't drink, rather than have a problem. How about a coffee shop?
Cheers, Midori
Thank you. I decided to abstain from alcohol. Friends around me were surprised and asked if I gave it up for lent. I really didn't want to announce that I was on anti-anxiety meds so I just said I gave it up for lent. I had a mocktail instead and that was fine. It's so hard since everyone around me drinks and everyone around me has known me as a drinker. I really want a drink, but I can't. I really want to get better more than I want a drink.
I think your common sense has already given you the answer about mixing drugs with alcohol. As for hiding anxiety, I've done that my whole life and it wasn't until the past few years I realized admitting it and owning it can often declaw the tiger. There is an awesome book out there written by Barry McDonagh, it's called DARE. In a nutshell, it's about walking into the fear. Counterintuitive and believe me hard to put into the habit.
I never heard of that book. If it suggests that I face my fears, well that will be very hard to do. In some ways I HAVE to face my fears. I will need surgery on my eyes in the coming years and as scary as it is I really don't have a choice. I will go blind otherwise. Both options are terrifying. I don't know how I'm going to get through.
Indeed that is terrifying, A few years ago I had to go in for a surgical procedure and they wouldn't let me take an Adavan the day of. I had to walk myself into the hospital alone, my legs felt like rubber. I remember thinking at least if I have a heart attack this is the place to have one. Yup, not an intuitive thing to do, walk into the fear when your whole brain is screaming to run away.