It's been about 3 months now since stopping Citalopram. I was on a very low dose of 5mg for a while, which was working fine. My goal has always been to try and live without medicine and I was feeling ready to give it a go. A week ago my anxiety insomnia came back and triggered me. Non of my usual natural sleep aids were working so I felt like I had no other choice but to take Trazodone to put me to sleep. Its been years since I needed it and feel defeated. Now I am wondering if I need to get back on Citalopram. If so, my fear is the side effects. I had horrible anxiety for weeks when I started. Has anyone gotten back on after a short break with success? Thank you!
Got off of Citalopram (5mg) after bei... - Anxiety and Depre...
Got off of Citalopram (5mg) after being on it for 7 years but the anxiety and insomnia are creeping back..

This is definitely something to address with your provider, especially if you're restarting something after being off and you've had a history of struggling with anxiety at the start. Maybe there's something else they can give you that would ease the adjustment phase, like an "as needed" anxiety med...just while your body adjusts again.
I have experience of coming off Citalopram and it took me about twelve months to do so. Part of that process was coming off too quickly. My anxiety came back and I started taking it again. The advice is always to come off very gradually. However you are describing the opposite effect, that Citalopram actually caused you anxiety! If you were put on it to help with sleep then you need to get medical advice on a more suitable alternative.
What was your experience like coming off? The last 3 months I have felt some anxiety but nothing I couldn't shake off until now, when the insomnia hit. My therapist said that this is all normal in the healing process and to keep up with CBT for a while before making any decisions to get back on medication. How long were you on Citalopram before getting off and how long were the withdrawal symptoms? You say 12 months but was much of this tapering? I was on 5mg for a while, so I just decided one day to stop.
I was on Citalopram for quite a few years, five at least. I really wanted to come off it. At first I stopped cold turkey and discovered that was a no no. Pharmacist advised cutting down the tablets, like two months on half the dose and then cut that in half and then just take every other day and then every two days until stopping completely. All this took many months and even when I stopped them completely I still had a period of cold turkey symptoms which I just had to live with knowing that I had been diligent in my efforts to drop down the dosages. What was going on? All I can say is that these drugs are brain altering,we are not told what they do,you only find out when you try to come off them. You must be strong in yourself to succeed.
I appreciate you sharing your success story getting off Citalopram! Gives me hope that someday I will be able to get off completely as well.
I feel this so much. I have been off citalopram for about 6 months now and I am struggling now more than after the taper. I fear that I can no longer function without them. I read so many things that say you should only take citalopram for six months to a year but most people I talk to stay on them for years. I am desperately looking to hear successful stories of people going off them for good.

I really do know how you feel! I guess crucially I would ask how long did you taper? Here are two suggestions: I found taking St.John's Wort helpful when I was in your situation. It worked for me. It is recognized as being effective,unlike some other natural remedies. It could just be the placebo effect - hey, here I am taking some pills! - always worked in the past! You could try that. Second suggestion is prob not a good idea but you could just go back on a very low dose of Cit , every other or two days and taper again. I am off them for good. It can be done.
I went from 20 to 10 for 2 weeks and then 10 to 5 fir 3 weeks. Probably not long enough. Scared to start up again after being off for six months. How long did you take St John's wort and did you taper that?

DearPurplePanda you definitely came off them too fast. I was told by my doctor's surgery pharmacist that the lower dose should be for three months, then after that take every other day again for three months and then every two days. I confess I did follow this advice except after about 7 months after taking every three days for a while I just stopped. I still had bouts of anxiety and trouble adjusting to being cit free which is why I turned to St John's Wort. I was getting on with that until I had to start taking low dose of Amitriptyline for migraine which can't be taken with St John's Wort!!! Please do persevere, you will get used to being your own person again, all this just demonstrates how dangerous these drugs are to mental health, a paradox I know.
Being my own person...describes my goal perfectly. Thank you for the encouragement. I am going to try increasing exercise and journaling. I've come this far.