For months now my *** has been dragging around this deep gloomy feeling. While everyone else seems to be Joyfully celebrating their holidays. Part of my gloominess is "SAD" Seasonal affective disorder. I try antidepressants, light therapy, and exorcising ,,, oops exercising. And it helps but the other humans beat the blues back into me with the holiday music, movies, and commercials reminding me I can't buy matching Mercedes-Benzes with big red bows for all my loved ones. But that's another rant for another time. Back to the only celebration worth going outside for, Spring! Today at 5:24 PM, here in Massachusetts. The tilt of the earth reaches the spring equinox, the point where the days start getting longer than the night. There will be a month delay before the weather really starts to change, but even now if I go out and sit with my face in the sun, I can feel its warmth and see the sun's color changing from a pale white to a golden glow. Here in New England, trees are budding, birds are coming back, and Spring peepers (frogs) are singing at night come hither and spawn with me ;-). As a photographer and artist, the call of nature wins out over my agoraphobic winter denning. and a 7 month's reprieve from the guilt trip of capitalism's extreme spending mania ❤️ 🌎🕶️🩳🌲🌱🌷🌼🐝🐡🦋🐌🦅🦡🦃🐿️🐥
Finally, a reason to celebrate :-) - Anxiety and Depre...
Finally, a reason to celebrate :-)
You paint such a wonderful picture in my mind of what it looks like. How could anybody not want to come out of the hibernation of agoraphobia into the light to witness this beautiful season.
Wow this is beautifully written. I'm sitting in my sunroom now absorbing some Vitamin D. It's fabulous
Happy Spring
Not sure, the brown head is unusual that's why I took its photo. This time of year it is probably just passing through the area. It was diving for food most likely plants
The weather is finally gotten warm enough to ride 50f/10c. needed the bright orange gloves to keep my fingers alive that day
I just googled it. It is a Female Common Goldeneye. It says they winter in Massachusetts and breed in the summer in Canada
Oh no not good
Ha ha ha thanks! my humor is often misunderstood, A mashup of dry wit, music lyrics, metaphors and analogies
In this age of texting things tend to not come out the way we had it in our heads
Hahaha That was fun, name the cat. I couldn't pull that humor off. folks would call me out as a dirty old wanker... and they'd right lol
I would but that would be over sharing,, again hee hee
I call it like I see it lol.... that took me by surprise and if I was sipping coffee I would have spit it across the room
So good to laugh that's for sure
Listen you are keeping Boston from shaving
Don't feed the wild life 🦍