My daughter was diagnosed with GAN and PTSD when she was in Hospital. Now she has been a year, next Tuesday, in supported living and wants a copy of her diagnoses but is being denied that incase it triggers her PTSD just by reading it! Do I have the right to ask for a copy? I am very curious about what they believe caused it, there could be a number of issues, including stuff that happened in her childhood. She is now 23.
My daughter and GAN and PTSD - Anxiety and Depre...
My daughter and GAN and PTSD
I'm not in the UK so I'm not sure of specific rules there. Your daughter is an adult and has a right to see her medical records. Here is the USA if she is mentally intact you would have no right to request her chart unless you are a legal custodian.
Is she stable, home and functioning ok? I'm not clear on what supportive living is. Is she able to make decisions on her own?
Does she have a therapist. If she is seeing a therapist this is something they should have been talking about all along in order to help her heal from her trauma. The cause of trauma has to be addressed.
She is in housing accommodation which is overseen by staff and is free to come and go as she wishes.
Im curious to see what people from the UK have to offer.
As a mother I understand your concerns. I would want to know also.
I found this.
Your request (to view your records) could be refused if :
A health professional thinks seeing the records would be seriously harmful to your physical or mental health.
The records also relate to someone else.
Ok so there is the answer. Thank you.
I'm still confused on the ptsd part.... they medical community can hold back if it's a threat to your mental health.... however with ptsd you present with a trauma and that's what they treat. So the information charted would not be a surprise.
My wheels are always turning. I'm sure the poster will be grateful for the response.
Thank you
That is the bit that gets me. The PTSD. She has to deal with it not run away from it. I will see her on Tuesday and talk to the staff who refused it.
Yes I am in the UK too and think this is right. They could appeal though and a court would decide based on individual circumstances.
The only way someone else could see the report is if the child is a minor, they are their official carer, or they have Power of Attorney.
We wanted to see my mums care plan when she was in a care home but were told because we didn't have P of A we weren't officially allowed to. They did share a bit voluntarily though. My mother was in no fit state to understand any of it or to give her permission for us to see it which I guess would have been ok too if they thought she was of sound mind.
I did suggest before she went in the care home that one of us should apply for P of A, but my mum was against it and my sisters dismissed it. It costs a couple of £thousand though and would have taken time.
It's probably the GAN diagnosis and records that they are concerned about causing your daughter a lot of emotional distress. If your daughter is stable it's probably less of an issue. You might find out more about why your daughter wants the records and what she hopes to accomplish with them.
Curiosity. She has autism and this is part of how it manifests itself. However, it has already been shredded.