Hello. Anxiety issues are rearing their heads again lately. I stopped going to the gym almost a year ago now because of covid fear, but am really thinking about going back because I think it has always helped me with stress issues and I really liked being somewhat fit for my age. My daughter though has been afraid for me re-joining because of possibly bringing something home where she lives from the gym and getting the grand kids possibly sick. It's a tough call, trying to get back in shape with hopefully feeling better with less stress related issues and probably being healthier for it, but maybe taking a chance with picking something up when I visit the grand children on a daily basis. I often tell her that the odds might be the same with them being in school with all the other kids and teachers. I am also doing alot of searching for natural ways to help with anxiety issues, especially trying to figure out the importance of balancing the neurotransmitters, but it can be quite complicated without a doctors degree to fully understand everything. Seems as though Gaba plays a huge roll among other things such as Glutamine and glutamates, certain foods and the like. Seratonin looks like something to be studied more, but as I'm finding out it's quite complicated. Looking for any true help in trying to decipher a formula for all of this. I know there are many supplements out there as stand alone ones such as Gaba, Tryptophan, Glutamine,etc. And many others that contain a variety of different supplements combined. Does anyone else do what I am doing in searching for the right formula to help yourself and if so, providing it worked, what did you have luck with.
Up's and down's with anxiety issues a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Up's and down's with anxiety issues and trying to find a better way

There are a few people in the community that know quite a bit about supplements. I'm sure you will get some help.
I agree with you on the chances of the opposite happening and your grandchildren getting you sick. School is a Petrie dish of germs.
I'm someone that relies on exercise to keep my head clear. If you can't get back to the gym, can you get some things for your home?
Hi Dolphin14. Thanks so much for the quick reply. One of the things I do is study nutrition, with trying to stay on top of what's new, always searching. I've always exercised, but when covid entered the scene, it was quite the game changer, and not in a good way. With all the havoc, fear, and life-changing scenarios it has produced, it has changed the way all of us practically live and think. Even those who didn't fear anything were forced to live with the changes it has created. I have a few pieces of equipment in my home, but I'm sure as you know it's just not the same as a gym atmosphere for better motivation and variety as to what is there to use. It was actually one of the toughest things for me to actually not go anymore, or to take a year long break because I was so devoted to health and exercise.
Good old Covid
Now we have flue season on top of it.
One thing I saw during Covid that I thought was such a fabulous idea was out door group exercise. Trainers were taking it to the field with some equipment and kept people doing what they loved. I thought that was great.
Believe it or not I have never stepped foot in a gym. I have everything I like here in my house and I'm very disciplined.
I do understand that some enjoy the gym environment and I hope you and your daughter can come to some compromise, I think gyms have kept some loose guidelines in effect. You could wipe down equipment perhaps? Maybe consider a mask when you are indoors with the kids? Just a couple thoughts.
I hope some knowledgeable people come on to reply to your other point. It's quite fascinating stuff.
Again Dolphin14, thanks so much. It's great to be disciplined as you are, I used to lift my weights in my bedroom when I was a very young teenager and was quite satisfied with it while living at home and sometimes going in the big back yard that we had during the summer and lifting outside. After joining a gym years later though I was totally hooked and amazed at the variety and with what I could accomplish. I could wear a mask afterwards when visiting the grand kids, which would somewhat put my daughters mind at ease maybe. Guidelines were initially put in effect at the onset of the covid situation with most of the gyms here, but eventually they became laxed like everything else, not everybody followed the newer protocol with wiping down what they had just used, or keeping a certain distance, and the gyms weren't about to cause a scene as to possibly loose revenue with kicking someone out who didn't follow stricter covid rules, but now it is just about as normal as before covid with gyms.
I've heard that about loving the gym. A few of my friends have tried to push me in that direction. I'm a solo exerciser, that's my style.
I would walk in with my bag full of goods lol. Wipes and hand sanitizer etc and do my own thing.
You need to keep yourself active and enjoy what you like. It's so important to your mental and physical health
I know, you are so correct. I'll probably go back and re-join either this week yet, or next. I see many who bring their bags of goods in the gym, all I need is my favorite pre-workout mix in a bottle of water and I'm good to go. And, possibly someone will add a comment on the other side of all of this with the anxiety issue with some tried and true supplements that actually worked.
Hi gbn!
Dolphin14 told me you are interested in supplements. I see here you want to help your anxiety. Magnesium is s good calmer and I believe it relaxes the muscles. One in morning take one at night. Right now I’m using teas and tinctures containing lavender, kava, and passionflower, chamomile. There are also adaptagens (sorry for spelling) that help with stress including rhodiolla Rosea that you can research on. Let me know if you have questions.
Hi Srarrlight. Sorry for the late reply. Thanks so much for the info. I'm looking into supplements that might actually help with the neurotransmitters which might be responsible for bringing on anxiety problems such as serotonin, dopamine, low gaba, etc. From what I have been researching, the neurotransmitters need to be somewhat balanced for them to work as needed, and it could be no easy task to balance them out, too much of one, or not enough of the other could bring differences in mood or preception of situations being felt at the time. Much of my reading comes from true medical sites and sometimes the way they are written it can get confusing with natural things that have been tested or tried either seeming to work or not. However, I'm a true firm believer in magnesium for overall health along with some of the herbs you mentioned, but with herbs they've got to be standardized with specifics to show improvement, and usually the higher end supplement makers have these but can be sometimes a bit more pricey because of the quality. With the natural products I know it's not instant, time is needed, usually no instant feel-good right away as with some of the usual medicines used today with doctors, and sometimes you need to try different prescriptions until one is found to help.
Gbn, awesome job! Yes! I love magnesium and take it every day. Once in morn once at night. Keep up the good work until you find all that you need. Valerian root helped me sleep last night and although it can make one sleepy next day it’s worth it to me when I can’t sleep at all otherwise.
Hi Starrlight. I will look into Valerian, I think I might have tried this years ago, and if I did, I probably didn't take it either long enough or perhaps not in the right way, it was probably at the beginnings of my anxiety many years ago, and of course some of the supplements have come a long way since then at being a bit more effective.
I take 2 500mg of valerian right before bed. If you have trouble sleeping I say for me anyway it’s the absolute best.
What are your biggest concerns, anxiety? I am still searching for some good anxiety busting natural options myself but I do take Buspar (not natural but from my psychiatrist) and it’s mild and it does help it’s a class C med as it can be taken when pregnant it’s so safe.
Hi Starrlight. I think I might have tried it before bed also when I took it, but at that time I think I was too wired for it to work, or maybe I didn't take enough of a dose. Just curious, which brand do you take? Buspar is mild, but if it's enough to take the edge off for you it's a good thing. With concerns, yes, anxiety still makes itself known every now and then. Although I think I can handle it a bit better now than before. One of the reasons now I think as being a bit better with it is because I'm retired, and there is no extra worry with dealing with it and going to work at the same time, less stress. Right now for sleep I'm using a product called Tranquility made by Glaxon. It's a powder mixed in a bit of water before bed. Full dose is 2 scoops, but I only use one. I bought it by chance when I bought my usual gym supplements and the ingredients looked really good and solid, and Glaxon makes some really good products anyway so I took a chance. Turned out to be one of my better buys.
It sounds like a good find, that Glaxon.
I also am a member of Life Extension company located in Florida, they make some really good supplements also, they have a great staff that you can call and talk to with specifics.
That company sounds amazing thanks for sharing.
I forgot to answer what brand I take- it’s called ‘Now’
How are you doing today?
Hi Starrlight. Again, sorry for the late reply, just got in now, a bit past midnight my time. "Now" products are really good, they can be less expensive, and they make a quality product. I actually signed in on their site and they send me e-mails and notifications about new products and sales. It has only been lately maybe within the past year or two that they changed up their sales program where you can actually now buy direct with them on their site, they recently wrote an article on omega 3 oils along with magnesium supplements where they tested quite a few different brands, but most of which I never heard of, but none the less all were inferior compared to Now products. They run very good sales with good discounts and sometimes cheaper if you buy more than one bottle of something on their site. With the current anxiety situation, I guess it's not too bad today, but it always seems to be a bit more pronounced at evening hours like this. I've been suffering with a sinus infection now for about 8 weeks, and the stuffy nose kind of gets me on edge with breathing and the like every now and then, especially at bedtime, I've been sleeping actually almost sitting up-right to help.
interesting thanks for posting that info… take good care of yourself I hope you feel better soon that’s a long time to have a sinus infection ugh I feel for you
maybe I’ll look at Now and see what they’ve got
Either Now, or Life Extension, both make a great B complex.
I’m may try Best Naturals
Hey Starrlight, honestly, I would steer towards either Now or Life Extension for a B complex for you. It's not to say Best Naturals isn't any good, but as an example, they use cyanocobalamine for their b-12, whay you want is methylcobalamin for your b-12. That's just one example to tell if it's a better supplement or a cheaper thrown together one. I haven't checked on Now to see which version of b-12 they use but I know for sure Life Extension created a very solid b-complex formula.
hey do you know a good vitamin B supplement ?
Hi Starrlight. The B complex that I'm currently taking is the one from Life Extension called BioActive B-Complex, item # 01945. I believe it's one of the better B supplements on the market right now, retail price is about 9 dollars a bottle, if you want more info I can give you their phone # to order it, or it might be found in a health store selling supplements. Life Extension puts out a really good informative monthly magazine for free, might be worth checking out.
excellent. I will link it to one member that I know. Maybe they can pop in.
Great to talk to you
Enjoy your day