Generally fearful of the future - and... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Generally fearful of the future - and I don't want to be part of it.

ParkyGuy profile image
7 Replies

I can honestly say I don't think I can survive another political season filled with hate, bigotry, and intolerance under the guise of "politics".

Since 2015, I've lost not only life-long friends but also the automatic trust and respect of people in general. As a result, I've self-isolated, wanting nothing to do with "meeting new people", or anyone for that matter. It took a lot for me to get professional counseling. Always suspect of their underlying character. It does help me vent and I do get satisfaction. But I'm still suicidal. Not because I hate myself or many of the traditional reasons for suicidal tendencies but because I honestly and genuinely hate the world in which we live. Having Parkinson's disease on top of this is just pushing me closer and closer to the edge.

As a staunch anti-racist, what keeps me going is knowing that minorities have survived hundreds of years of racism and discrimination. Holocaust survivors still exist. If these people can do it, given their history of abuse and intolerance, maybe so can I? But that begs the question. Do I want to "survive"? Do I want to "just ignore the haters?" The answer to both lately has been a most resounding "NO".

Nobody knows that the future holds, but if it's anything like the last 6 years, I want no part of it.

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ParkyGuy profile image
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7 Replies
Blueruth profile image

Being someone who does volunteer during the political season my first advice is to focus less on national politics and focus more on local politics…if at all. The farther away you get from local issues the more it becomes about personalities and beliefs. I’m guessing you are getting information from the internet more than in person. That isn’t healthy and causes more anxiety and distrust. I don’t know how to recommend you proceed but you need to break from online armchair politics and interact with real people. Assuming you are white you could be an ally by simply being a part of the community and volunteering. And have fun too.

Toddzen profile image

I can relate. Politics in America is disgusting and evil. The worst people rise to power. It's constant War and gun violence. This Society is deeply sick and I hate it. I grew up during the Vietnam War. I know what these psychopaths are capable of. I find that Meditation helps. Buddha taught that this World is impermanent and filled with suffering. In the depths of our Being is Love and Peace. Turn away from the insanity of this evil World. It's not our fault what these evil Politicians and Rich sociopaths are doing.

012703060610 profile image

I too have lost faith. Blows my mind that anyone could vote for Trump (or someone like him really) just based on moral values. He is a known womanizer. That's who you put up at the top? I have lost faith because it makes zero sense to me. Or does it simply mean the majority of voters are willing to look a blind eye when someone meets their wanted needs like money or fame.

Adlon57 profile image

I well know the feeling since Dec. 2016, put on Fycompa for my epilepsy, a distinct low since then! I live in a place that is worldwide for Politics, Northern Ireland, born and bred in the place! Any social get togethers does not exist over here, without politics being mentioned, or 'inferred' its too deep in the provinces identity! Sorry to here about your Parkinson's disease I have been tested twice, both negative🙃but my father had it! I got pancreatitis to end any social life🙄 I had religion stuffed up my nose, which I strongly rejected, even then in this 'place' you got to be one religion or the other🥴 friends of mine died being in the "wrong place at the wrong time". People are dying over here, because a certain political party can't get what they want, so they put a spanner in the political works, we will be 'celebrating'🙄 one year of no government over here, the country has been run by Civil Servants😤😤 Ironically racism has not really hit here, not really an issue YET? Although across the Irish channel in England really taking off over there! Our main TV stations tell of various 'advents' ALWAYS taking place on their side of the channel [are they on a different planet?] very very depressing!

I now try to ignore politics and religion altogether, I am terminally ill with my epilepsy, my PC from last June, radiotherapy results are suspiciously taking a long time for results nasty grumbles from the other end of the phone? Six years I would like to cut out of my life cv altogether!

Peacely profile image

I completely understand what you're saying I'm so disappointed in a lot of the aspects of the world in regards to injustices and why things happen. However I think a person has to recognize that there are good things in the world but that were maybe not looking for him because that's naturally not what's put out there because if you study Neuroscience a little bit, the brain due to its survival mechanisms in regards to the flight or fight response in our brain always are looking for the worst because there are potential threat and so naturally all the human race does the same thing and that is pushed out through media which we all get to hear is all the horror stories on the news. I have learned to disconnect from this negativity as it's not healthy or joyful for my human existence granted it's still a part of life but I also don't have to have it showed down my throat to the point where it is absorbing me or creating a pathway loop in my brain so step back from the world, find your inner peace find things that bring you Joy in your own environment or create them you'll see a world of difference!!!!! With love friend.

cuppyr8 profile image

I honestly understand the government is fucked up and honestly our government is probably one of the best ones, but they lie, steal, cheat And kill and do worse and they are really just unethical and have no empathy for humanity, especially Republicans.

All3 profile image

first ... sending you so much love and the biggest hug ever!!! I will never know your pain from your brain but I can understand how hard it is from mine and it’s so sad out here... so I can’t understand fully from your brain mine is super similar it seems from what you write and I understand in my own brain. The world is so sad and to live is getting harder by the second so I feel you , again from my brain. I wish I could tell you it’s gonna get better but if your brain is like mine we already know that isn’t the case. Yes, humans have survived!!! I truly think it’s because the wanted to. They def have been thru some HARD times and it makes you feel like you shouldn’t feel the way you do at times but your feelings are so valid so important and so real dude !!! Why do some humans want to survive and live this ?! That is something I won’t understand but I know you should be here Bc humans like us love big!!! Sending you so much love

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