Hello everyone! I've been struggling a lot lately. I feel selfish for it too. I have a hard time when I feel that there is plenty of good in my life but my mind focuses on the negative. I do my best to talk myself through it by stating the opposite of what I'm thinking, like when I say I'm worthless, I counter it by stating that I'm worthy. Nothing is helping me right now. Saturday night I relapsed and self-harmed after years of not doing that. I've had extreme suicidal ideation since then. I won't do anything but the thoughts are very hard to deal with. Mainly, I've been overly focused on thinking that I'm a screw up and waste of space/energy. I could run away and start a new life but it wouldn't matter because I would still be there to mess things up. I don't know what to do to feel better. People have been great and have reached out to me but my depression is overshadowing it all. This post is probably pointless but I can only just hope that people who can understand me and also don't know me may be able to help.
Thank you.