So, I'm coming up to 11 years sobriety, and a warning to you cat lovers, I bumped into a neighbour and i wasn't aware of my terrible deed!
I haven't seen this person for many years, in fact I've not spoken since I've been sober.
At the time I was living with my ex girlfriend who had a female cat, and this male Tom cat kept having his wicked way with her cat, well she ended up getting pregnant, I was fed up from this cat jumping in her house window, and having his wicked way, so don't forget i was a drunk, I marched this cat down to the local vets in a basket telling them he was a stray,well anyway I've been informed not only was he not a stray, the vets assistant said it was her neighbours cat!!!
Well , my face was getting redder by the minute, but luckily enough for me, the cats owner was more than happy for Tom to get his wedding tackle adjusted π€£ the owner also ended up with a new kitten πΈ, thank goodness 11 years have passed, I'm now keeping an eye out for a ginger cat( grown up kitten), but don't worry I won't take him or her to the vetsπ€£ my secret is now out in the open, more confessions soonπ€ͺπ€£