After 17+ years maybe longer sparkle has moved into a different world, she gave many happy years, she turned up as a stray, and sadly she passed away at home, I have now given her a burial in the garden, she was a vocal cat, and definitely liked to have her meow heard, she was a cat with a sassy attitude, and right up to her final days was still mooching around, she died at home, and her owners wishes were granted, the house is very quiet, and even though the other cats are here, it feels awfully empty, it's heart breaking knowing she's gone 💔, but she gave many happy memories to all around her, she was the boss! 😔
'Sparkle' the cat will shine in heaven. - Anxiety and Depre...
'Sparkle' the cat will shine in heaven.

I know the feeling I luv cats, but there was a cat that lived around the corner for years, I would rub his ears, always been on friendly terms with all cats [1 or two exceptions] anyway had not seen Flubbie for five or six years, I mentioned this to the owner, she called Flubbie, who recognised me, both back legs ribbed with arthritis, stumbled across the small lawn, I gave him a cautious cuddle, smiles all round, Flubbie was 18, he died a few months later😔
I am a firm believer we meet our pets, family member, on the other side.
Pip our dog died of cancer ten years ago and we have his ashes, they will be buried with my the same applys to our ten year collie Pax when He passes to the universe/heaven My Wife, myself, Pip and Pax will be all together on the other side
Hi this is Shnookie. My condolences to U on the loss of Spatkle. Please keep the fond memories that U have of her, close to your heart ❤️. I’m here 4 U.
Hugs 🤗 S 😎❤️🐈
I’m so sorry, I know how difficult it is losing a pet, they really are part of the family. It’s good you could bury them in the garden. I have a few cats buried in my “dads” garden and 2 I had cremated and they’re here with me. Sending you a big hug!
My dog Max passed away in June 2021. He was the nicest dog on the block friendly to most people and cats. I now have a huge empty spot in my heart.
My sympathy goes out to you. I lost my dear sweet cat three years ago and miss him still.They do leave paw prints on our heart.
I had a cat who almost made it to 22. I miss her terribly too...
My condolences to you for your beloved cat Sparkle ✨
Maybe Sparkle can say hello to my Whiskas. He was a tuxedo cat and very talkative. He really loved the ladies ❤️ He loved it when I read my books out loud to him. I think his favorite poem was "Annabelle Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe. He lived to be 10yrs old. He died of complications from an injury he suffered some years before. I really miss him at times. At least he visits me sometimes in my dreams 🌈
My condolences 💐🙏💕❤️