He fell and he couldn’t move they said he had a brain tumor. This was my first pet it was so hard for me. I got him cremated. I will get a nose his paw print a nice wood box that says Bob that’s his name and a piece of his hair. He was 13 years ago. He was a stray when we got him.
I had to put my cat to sleep - Anxiety and Depre...
I had to put my cat to sleep

I'm so sorry to hear that Cutiey75. What a nice remembrance you will have of him knowing
that because of you, he had a good life. xx
I am new as I just joined today your post is the very 1st one I saw. I am very sorry for your loss
I am so sorry, losing a pet is so heartbreaking
Sorry you have lost a beloved cat; They do become family so quickly, don't they?
I hope you can get another fairly quickly, which will help a little with your grief.
Cheers, Midori

Hi Cutiey. I had to make the same decision last November and I have never cried so long and so hard. It seemed that I wouldn’t be able to stop. I can smile when I think of him now. But I miss him. I am so sorry you lost a member of the family. I said “lost” but that’s not really accurate because he will always be with you….
Hi, so sorry for the loss of your beautiful cat. It’s very hard when we loss our pets to say goodbye. Coming from experience I totally understand. I was in a similar situation last year. It’s hard but please take comfort for all your happy wonderful memories & the home your cat had. The Blue Cross animal charity have a Pet Bereavement helpline 7 days a weeks to speak to trained Qualified person whom has suffered the loss of there beloved pet/S . It really does help. Take care of yourself lisa x
I'm so sorry. It's devastating to lose a cherished pet. Take time to mourn. When your heart is ready perhaps a new stray will come into your life. That happened to me. I'm adding a photo. My best friend bought this for me when one of my cats passed away. It's supposed to be for the yard but I keep it inside next to the back door. His favorite place to lay down and watch the outside world. HUGS!!!
Sorry to hear about Bob, we’ve had numerous pets and each time we lose one we say never again as we can’t bare losing them , think of all the wonderful times you had together and the good life he had with you, 🐱🐾
Hi, thank you. I’m sorry we both went through this. I will think of a good times. take care of yourself
Hello, thank you. I’m sorry we both had to go through the same thing. Thanks for the information. Take care of yourself.
Sorry to read of your loss. I think the loss of a pet and their unconditional love for us is one of the hardest experiences as humans. It ultimately makes us stronger but is so hard to go through. My best to you and be kind and loving with yourself and allow yourself to grieve.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Cutiey75 . Losing an animal companion is so hard. It can feel like losing a family member even. I hope you're okay and hope you can care well for yourself during your journey of grief.
Much Love to You .and your KittyCat