i wish one day i wont live with pain in my mind and heart and soul one i dream bout that i live happy and dnt cry anymore i dream bout one day all i would want is to live you dnt have to comment just wanted someone to know how i feel i feel horrible like i cant do it anymore im not even angry just feel like i ranout of strength and all i can do is lay down and die
i dream: i wish one day i wont live... - Anxiety and Depre...
i dream

AXXES2 I wish I could wave a magic wand and make your dreams come
true sooner than later. But since I am only mortal like you, I can only out
stretch my hands and tell you to hang on. Keep dreaming that dream and
don't give up. Miracles are out there, it's just about timing. When you least
expect it, things will start changing in your life. Please don't give up but
believe that this too shall pass my friend. I believe in you. xx
please do not give up! As someone who struggles with anxiety I know how exhausting it can be. Sending you a hug and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I am always willing to talk, so please feel free to reach out. Sending you strength ❤️
Your dreams seem so far away from the world you're in now.
I believe they are good dreams. Here they are, beautiful and glowing:
I wish one day I won't live with pain in my mind and heart and soul. 💜 (I wish that for you too.)
One I dream about is that I live happy, and don't cry anymore. 🥹 (Someday your tears will dry. You'll find the peace you're working toward.)
I dream about one day all I would want is to live. 🌼🌸🌻🐇🐦
You don't have to comment. (No. I only want you to know I hear you.)
Just wanted someone to know how I feel. (Thank you for trusting us and sharing.)
I feel horrible like i can't do it anymore. (That's listening to yourself, and knowing you need a break. It's okay.)
I'm not even angry, just feel like I ran out of strength, and all I can do is lay down and die. 💜
Sometimes we don't have the strength to be angry about what's happened to us.
Soon, you will rise up, and use the anger inside to hold your head up and move forward. I believe in you.
I understand how you feel. The pain comes from our "stinking thinking". It doesn't stop without some effort on our part. Have you ever checked out info on CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy? It helped me when I choose to practice it.
I understand how you feel. It’s an awful feeling to feel like you’ve just run out of juice. As was previously said, hang in there. This will pass. Just believe in that. I too wish you a better day today. Keep hanging on to the dreams of a better day not ruled by depression or anxiety
i dnt know if i believe in god anymore i walk in the freezing cold just to get to church and seems like god doesnt see that i got no money no job no food ..where is god cause ive prayed and prayed and i go hungry every fucking night but theres drug addicts around me and they never go hungry and they always have money