Hi! I’m Dusty! I’m new to the group. Just wanted to introduce myself. I’m 59 from New York. I’ve suffered with severe depression and anxiety plus a few others for years. I finally got the help I needed this past January. It’s been a struggle but I fight for my life every day. I have therapy every week which I love. My therapist is awesome! I’m at a point now where I need to talk to others that can relate to me. My family and friends are helpful, but don’t really get it.
MAKING NEW FRIENDS : Hi! I’m Dusty! I’m... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi Dusty-20016 and Welcome
You sound like you are on the right path to recovery and I'm happy for you.
Being on this safe and caring forum can help you further along by sharing with
others who understand what it's like. We share our journey and learn from each
I've come a long way with Anxiety and Agoraphobia and like you, I also have an amazing
Therapy was also an important part of my treatment.
I'm so glad you came on this site. xx
"My family and friends are helpful, but don’t really get it. "
First and foremost.
Second, I come from a family who means well, but sadly they only understand physical pain and not mental pain.
Which is one of the many reasons why I am a fan of support groups. It's relatable, and it fills a badly needed void in my life that my family can't fill. (and I try my best to help others fill their void that have the same issue too)
Finally, this is a good and supportive community, and I hope that you like it here.
Thank you very much! You have made me feel very welcomed! Much appreciated! It’s sad because a lot of people don’t understand enough about mental illness so everyone gets categorized as crazy. My own family they try to understand but most of them don’t understand and they do think I am crazy! I hate that word. I ask them not to use it. I like helping others too, actually more than myself. We will make good friends!!
I’m so happy that this site has helped you. I’m happy to hear that! I will definitely be reaching out and also trying to give support.
Welcome Dusty. You’ll find lots of support here from people who understand 🙂. I suffer from anxiety and depression also, my husband struggles to understand but he does his best. Sending hugs 🤗
hi Dusty, pleased to meet you.
Pleased to meet you as well! Look forward to talking to you! 😊
and I also look forward to more interactions with you. I enjoy being present on this site and am glad for opportunities to make new friends.
I am from Canada, but as they say we are not so different. Any form of suffering whether physical or mental, affects us more when we feel alone. If at any time you are in that position I highly encourage you to reach out. Until next time.
Welcome Dusty! I am from CT, nearby NY. I have had an anxiety disorder since childhood. Sometimes life has been tough and other times it has been easier. The good times were very good and I have great memories. Therapy has helped along the way.
This group is kind and caring and safe. I glean helpful information and relate to many who are here to share. I love to chat! Like you my family doesn’t always understand what I go through. But we can support each other! Hugs to you 💕😊
Hello, welcome to the site!!! I hope you get some support here. This site has helped me a lot.

Thank you! Everyone is so welcoming! I’m glad to be here!
Hello Dusty. I have been on this site for years but have never replied to any posts. I’m in my early sixties and have been suffering from severe depression and anxiety for many years. Although we all experience it differently, I get it. Most people don’t get it. I told my psychiatrist a while ago that unless he has had true depression and anxiety, he does not know how it feels and he agreed. I have been a medical professional for many years and have seen a lot of suffering from mental health disorders. Getting the right mental health care is not easy in the US. I’m very proud of you for getting the proper care and being proactive. You give us all hope. Take care.
...really happy you're here, Dusty. I can relate. We're here for you ANYTIME! 🙏
Thanks compasnet! Look forward to talking to you!
You're welcome.Dusty. Like I said, "been there, done that" 😭. I look forward to talking to you, also. ...anytime 🙏 God bless you. 🫂(((Dusty)))🫂
God bless you as well!🦋🙏🏻 So, May I ask what brought you to this site? I’ve had issues since I was a kid, but didn’t get diagnosed until I was an adult. It’s been difficult, but I’m hoping this site will help. I see a therapist but it never feels like enough.
Thank you. That's very kind of you, Dusty, truly 🙏. Of course! YOU may ask me ANYTHING! So what brought me to this site was anxiety and depression, going back to childhood, plus PTSD and thankfully some therapy that's been pretty helpful for me, albeit I find myself wanting to call my therapist between sessions as each individual sessions doesn't always cut it! Anytime you want/need to share, we're here. Have a nice evening/weekend 🙏.
I find myself wanting to talk to my therapist all the time. She is wonderful. I see her once a week and sometimes the hour just isn’t enough.
I can certainly relate to that. I'm SO happy that you've got he therapist you've got she spunfs really awesome. I wonder if she would do therapy from a distance remotely? Like yourself, Dusty, I hate the word "crazy" also. It has such a negative connotation/stigma associated with it. 😭. I'm really sorry your family uses it. I'm wondering if maybe they just don't understand? Maybe they just don't get it? ...although I think it's important that they not use it and make an effort to learn and understand about it. I hope and pray that they will.🙏 ...especially because you seem so understanding yourself, actually, and you seem to be very supportive and helpful to others.🙏 ...and easy to talk to. I respect and admire you, truly. You're thoughts and support are very helpful. Thank you. 🙏Feel free to reach out anytime 🙏. I really appreciate your support and that you're easy to talk to.🙏
Do you live in New York? I don’t think doctors can treat patients outside of their state unless they are licensed there. I can ask her next time I talk to her if you want?
Yes, crazy has such a negative stigma! Not all of my family understands what I’ve been going through. Some of my siblings and in-laws and even some friends! It sucks! I see them treating me different and I’m not sure they realize or not.
Thank you for the truly kind words! It works both ways. I think we will be good friends! I’m here for you whenever you need! 😊
...no, Dusty, not in NY, but YOUR kindness and caring continue to amaze me. I'm not going to lie. To be honest, it's hard to understand that with someone like you, even your own family (i.e. siblings)...and in laws...OMG...and even "friends" treat you differently. I'm so sorry 🙏. truly.🙏. I'm wondering if perhaps she might do virtual therapy out of state although I certainly understand the in-state licensure issue! Thank you SO much, Dusty! Yeah, I agree. We WILL be good friends. I'm here for you anytime, also. 🙏.
p.s I'm wondering if some sensitivity training...especially in the area of sensitivity to mental health and people with mental health challenges might be helpful? ...just wondering? Hope you have a great day. 🙏
Thanks for the kind words! I feel like I don’t belong in my family anymore! It’s a weird feeling but I feel invisible. I had plans on moving to Florida and getting away from this whole negative environment, but I just can’t afford it. I even went so far as to hire a divorce lawyer. I needed her to look into financial stuff and she dropped the bomb on me that he can’t afford to divorce me! Can you believe that !I have no where to go because I can’t afford to go anywhere! I isolate myself in my room. That’s where I spend my days and nights. There’s a lot more to it than just that, but I don’t want to say too much.
Sensitive training would not work with this group, but it was a great idea!
So nice to have you here Dusty.
Unfortunately not everyone comprehends what we go through.
Once again, welcome aboard.
Thank you! Look forward to talking to you
You are very welcome Dusty.
how are you getting on these days?.
Hi Laykonyde! How are you doing? So nice to hear from you. I’m struggling a little bit, lots of triggers. I’m just trying to live day by day but it’s hard. I’m just always 😢 sad. I try so hard to use my tools I’ve learned along the way, but some days are harder than others. What’s going on with you, everything ok?
Hello, welcome. 43 y/o male from Texas here, w bad health anxiety (& overall anxiety most of my life but was on benzos until 2020, so just learning to live without them). I also had depression for a while, but that's been under control, mostly, thankfully (on antidepressants since 2006). I'm not usually that sociable, but will try to respond if i know something that will help someone. I only seem to chat when I'm down, not when I'm feeling well. I need to work on that. This is a start, i guess. It's great that u got the help u needed & it was successful. That gives many of us hope that it can get better.
Hi. I saw you just recently posted. Can you please help me get started with this? I’m so nervous, scared and confused. I don’t understand how to use this.

I am new here. I just started yesterday. I’m still trying to get the hang of it myself. You need to make a profile first. Then pick what group you want to talk to and you go to the group join and then tell about yourself and people will start responding and you can respond back and a whole thread will start for you.

if you can be more specific, I'm sure we can help. You replied to me, so I'm not sure if u are talking to me or dusty-20016, who created this topic. Also, what exactly do you mean when u say "this"? It can be interpreted as the entire process of getting depression & anxiety managed, or referring to how to start a discussion on these forums, among other things. If you can be clear in what u mean, we can do our best to help you out. Being nervous, scared & even confused are emotions that everyone here is familiar with, & goes hand in hand with our mental health issues, so just hang in there, those will fade over time. Reading about the success others have really helps me when feeling these things, & gives me hope for my future. It just takes time & effort to try the things that work for others. So, reading other posts on This site may be helpful flr you also, but u have to interpret the tone before u read too many posts. Make sure it's a positive thread, about people having success, so it doesn't make u associate other peoples problems with your own, unnecessarily (because i can easily assume everything bad that happened to others will happen to me, also, but that's usually not what happens, so it's not helpful for me to read those things because of my health anxiety). Hopefully, this can help u with those feelings while looking for solutions. If u have the ability to get a therapist, please do that first & foremost, & that should help quite a bit. Best of luck!.
I’m so sorry to bother you. I have absolutely no clue how to use this online chat website. Not one thing is clear to me. I can’t understand one thing from another. All messages are jumbled up and I don’t know where to go or how to understand how to use this website. My confusion has reached its max. I’m not understanding one single thing. I’m so sorry, in trying to make an honest attempt to find some support and people to talk to, I may have made a mistake because I cannot figure out how the website works at all.

Of course, aloneandterrified. Welcome to this community. It's great that you're here with us! Whatever we can do to help, please feel free to reach out.
Dear aloneandterrified. You just did it. You posted. Good job.
Hello Mr. Texas! Anonymous Username 13! Thank you for reaching out and welcoming me! It’s good that you chat when your down. That’s when you can get opinions from people on here and it can help you. What also helps I know from experience is chatting when I’m feeling well. I get to enjoy some happy moments and share them instead of not sharing and not having someone to enjoy the moment with you. I’m here if you want to chat!!
Thanks so much for the response, Dusty-20016. I definitely understand, theoretically, how chatting when well can help. But somehow, in my mind, when I'm not having severe panic, or anxiety, & life is "normal", i feel if i do anything that i do when I'm suffering panic attacks, etc, it seems to remind me of how bad i was feeling (or is a Trigger, basically), & put me back into the panic attack mindset, if that makes sense. It's hard to explain, but i guess because i have several days of being "normal" it seems (without random new pains or feelings making me think something more serious is wrong with me, or even if i have those new pains, when feeling well i can brush them off, rationally during these times. This is opposed to other times when my mind can't focus on anything else besides everything that could be wrong with me, which is when i seek out this website, & use the coping mechanisms I've learned). I need to begin to incorporate everything into my life that works every day, i think, instead of only when i need it. Maybe that will help my mind interpret reading things on these forums differently, instead of associating it with my health anxiety scares...(?) I know it's a process & won't change overnight, but sometimes when i have several good days in a row, i think, "ok, I'm back to normal. That was just a bad few days," but now I'm learning that these bad days keep returning no matter what i do (like a cycle), so i need to start accepting my life & mindset needs to change & build around these things full time, & not just in worst case scenarios. Forgive me if this is common knowledge, but I'm actually realizing this & thinking this as I'm typing, so it's not something i had already thought through ahead of time. I guess that's a good thing, though. Thanks so much for the introduction, & the invitation. I extend the same to u, if u ever need to chat.
I think you just talked yourself into what you need to do. I also suffer with panic attacks. Sometimes they wake me up in the middle of sleeping! Has that ever happened to you?
Yes, our mindsets have to change which is the hard part. I’m in a terrible, abusive situation, but don’t feel comfortable putting it out there
yes, my main issue is panic attacks while immediately waking in the night, because all of my past medical scares were immediately when waking, so it's sorta PTSD for me, i think, too. I'm sorry you're in a bad situation. I will pray for you. You deserve better, as no one should have to endure abuse at the hands of another human, IMO. But, i do understand that it occurs, the circumstances are often complicated, & the right thing doesn't always happen in the real world. Hopefully u will overcome this.
Hi Dusty-20016! Welcome.
I often wake to panic attacks. Doctor Google says it's very common, for whatever comfort that provides.
Since you are new here, you may not realize you can have a private chat with another member. It's a way to talk about something you may not feel comfortable discussing in the general forum.
Unfortunately I get it about the abuse and divorce. It can be very uncomfortable sharing details.
I relate to you so much. I get those. So I’m feeling great and I think oh OK I’m on my way to recovery, and then I get several days where I’m so low. So what I’ve decided to understand that depression and recovery are non-linear. It’s not a neat process or straightforward process. I need to learn to accept that they’ll be days like these three that I’ve been having. But I am so happy that I get every reprieve or a break from it. What is interesting is that every afternoon and evening I have no depression at all. How about you
that's a good interpretation of this circumstance. For me, often getting near bedtime, or shortly after waking are the worst for me, but my panic attacks stem from medical scares I've had, all of which were in the middle of the night, so i think PTSD of some sort is involved. Maybe what u are doing in the afternoons & evening helps with the depression, subconsciously? Or maybe cortisol in the morning, which causes anxiety, can account for the depression then? I'm assuming morning is when u are saying it's Worse, since afternoon & evenings are the only other times of day? Hopefully we will both eventually have our issues (depression for u, anxiety for me) in line with our recovery, or figure out what is causing these feelings for us in the times where we feel on the mend, only to feel double crossed by our emotions, so we can make changes that will stop this.
Hello Dusty! Welcome to the group!
Welcome to the community. We understand what you are going through.
Hi Dusty!
Welcome to the group. I hope we can be helpful and supportive to you. It is so good to hear that you have a good therapist. I recently found a good CPTSD counselor on YouTube named Tim Fletcher. I never heard the term CPTSD in my earlier years when I first was diagnosed with clinical depression.I Iove NY. I grew up in Westchester County. My eldest son lives in Manhattan. I have not been well enough to visit there in quite a few years. I hope you are having a good day!🤗
Hi Tara52! So far the group is great! I’m trying to get the hang of things which today I have caught on. I never heard of CPTSD! What is that? I have PTSD. Is the C for clinical?
I hope that someday soon you are feeling up to visiting your son!
Nice to meet you Dusty, like your positive feedback on therapy, I find therapy great too, what has been the best therapy for you?
Hello! Nice to meet you as well! My best therapy was I was in an all woman’s mental health facility and 5 of us have stayed in contact. We have a weekly zoom meeting. That’s our outside therapy plus we all have our own. My therapist thought it was a great idea to stay in touch with my friends. We all help each other. Kind of like being on here, but you don’t see the people. I wanted to join a group I could go to but they have nothing around here for my issues. This is good, but it would be nice to know who you are talking to. See faces so you can really interact. Sorry for babbling
Thank Dusty, I agree with you, being amongst people with similar symptoms or experiences with mental health is positive for my health, it gives me a sense of belonging, helps me to understand and process my own thoughts, thanks for sharing.
let’s talk!! I’m 66 and could use a friend who understands this ! Love my family and friends but do they get it?
Hi! I’m going to be 60. Same here. Love my family and friends but NO they don’t get it. They try to be understanding and sympathetic but if you haven’t experienced yourself you can’t fully understand! I have 4 adult children. My first 2 are adopted. While I was going through that process people didn’t understand what I was going through. They tried really hard, but it was like I was alone. They really didn’t get it. It’s mostly ignorance from the people. They don’t understand so they say stupid things. They are uncomfortable, whatever.
Dusty I have two adult daughters whom I adore. One of them has her own emotional issues so she is really hard to get any empathy from. The other one lives a little farther away but I share things with her. Are you on any meds? , I actually am on duloxetine which is Cymbalta and lamotrigine for I guess mood regulation. Today is not a good day , and am staying home watching my two-year-old grandson whom I adore. I’m gonna start a new job in a couple weeks but it’s only four hours which is a blessing because I don’t know that I wanna be full-time on the days that I’m depressed. I actually am not depressed the entire time but every two weeks or so it comes back for some days. How about you ?
Hi Q! Yes, I’m on meds. I take Prozac, Pristiq, Clonazapam, Lyrica , Trazadone, LUNESTA. Some others, but these are my major ones I’m also epileptic so some of these meds serve two purposes. So what is your new job? That’s exciting. I can’t work, but have been trying to find a legit work at home job but no luck yet. My depression is always with me. Some days much worse than others. I’m always just sad. 😢. Sometimes I never know why just sad
Hi dusty. Welcome! I haven't been on this site for too long, but its been so helpful knowing other's go through same and im not completely alone. I kinda just accidentally found it, but im sure glad I did. I have MDD,Anxiety, Panic and panic attack disorder , health anxiety. Im always open to New friends 😃. And always down to talk and listen. So never hesitate yo message if you need or want

Hi Ashley!! How are you doing?? I’m glad to have a new friend. Same goes here. I’m always looking to talk and listen so anytime just message me! It is great to talk to others who truly understand and appreciate what each other’s going through.
I'm trying to be ok. But it seems so difficult

what’s going on?
Just a lot an trauma

do you want to talk about it? I understand if you can’t or don’t want to. I’m here for you anytime! I mean that! Today is going to be a long day. It’s dreary rainy and thunderstorms. Lazy day.
Hi Katy! How are you? So nice to meet/ hear from you, neighbor!!! Sorry for your loss of whoever funeral you are going to. Starting with a new therapist is always a surprise. You never know how it’s going to go. Hopefully you will click and things will work out great. I have a wonderful therapist. She is just awesome. She is like a Mom to me. She really cares about her patients. I know she loves me!! Not rooting my own horn, but she has told me. We have a great connection! It’s good you get out to go to work It does keep the mind occupied. What do you do? I unfortunately can’t work. I’m disabled. It’s sucky most days I just isolate myself in my room. When it’s nice out I can go for a walk, but not too long. Unfortunately today is pouring rain out. Have a good day. I look forward to talking to you soon. 🙂
working helps me too!! Being busy I guess

Hi Mabel! Nice to meet you! Thanks for the welcome. I really am enjoying this group. Everyone is very nice and can relate!! Friends and family try so hard but they have no idea! Look forward to talking to you! 🙂
I relate to that! I feel like I always have to be busy. Sometimes when I’m doing nothing I feel guilty but that should be MY TIME!
Hi Luna! How are you! It’s nice to meet you as well! Look forward to talking to you! 🙂
Hi Dusty,
I hope you have been feeling better. I live in Florida and my internet wasn't connected due to the massive hurricane we just had. Its beer very stressful. I have alot of anxiety and live alone. I am surprised that I got through it pretty well. It was an adjustment not having internet or tv.. I guess we are spoiled. I did get some reading done and alot of prayers.!🙏What part of NY do you live in? I grew up jn Westchester county in North Pelham near Mount Vernon. I haven't been there since the 1970's
Take it easy if you can.
Hi Tara!! How are you?? I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. I swear I responded to this already but I guess I didn’t. I just had back surgery and haven’t been feeling well. I’m very impressed that you made it through the hurricane. I don’t think I would have! I can’t live without my tv!! That alone would make me crazy! I live in Franklin Square, Long Island. I know Westchester county. How have you been doing? I’ve been up and down lately. A lot going on. Hope all is well. Talk soon.
Thank you Dusty for getting back to me. I hope you are recovering well from your back surgery. What part of NY are you from ? I grew up in Westchester County. I am so happy to hear you have a good therapist that you like. They are hard to find. I have had a lifelong struggle with anxiety. I hate it!! In the past year it has lessened even though I am alone alot. I have a prayer practioner that gives me alot of support. I do some volunteer work at The Salvation Army to get me out of the house. I hope your holidays are happy ones. I just got a Charlie Brown Christmas card today from my adult son. 🙂 He remembered how much I loved that movie growing up. He really liked the Christmas movie "Scrooged" with Bill Murray. Which Christmas movie is your favorite?
Hi Tara! I am so very sorry it took me so long to get back to you. How are you?? Things haven’t been going as planned. My back was feeling better but I made the unfortunate mistake of picking up my little grandniece. She was so cute with her hands in the air I just couldn’t resist. Since then I’ve had on and off pain. I have to have the settings change on my remote. They reprogram the entire stimulator until they find the right setting. I am originally from Bayside, Queens NY I now live on Long Island in Franklin Square I have a crap load of stuff to do today I’m leaving for Florida for a month on Monday my daughter lives there and one of my dearest friends so I will be with both of them I have so much to bring besides my clothes I have my sleep apnea machine, my back charger for the stimulator, my nebulizer I bring more medical equipment and my medicine than clothes, lol!! It’s pathetic! I hope you have a great holiday but hope to talk to you before then Talk soon 💕
Hi Liem! How are you? Thanks for reaching out. Of course you and I can be friends!! That would be nice. Where in New York are you moving to? Don’t be worried or scared. If you ever need anything just let me know I can help you out. Where are you moving from? I look forward to speaking with you soon. Take care.
Your new friend,
Diane 🙂
I leave for Florida tomorrow but we can still talk while I’m away. Your zip code is Manhattan. That’s about one and a half two hours from me depending exactly where you are. You can text me anytime you want. Talk soon 🙂
Hey Dusty, welcome! So happy that you found your way here. My situation sounds similar to yours. I found a good therapist as well which is so comforting. My family and friends don’t suffer from mental health issues so I consider this forum my virtual family. The family that allow me to speak truth to power. Everyone here offers tidbits of knowledge that add up to a wealth of wisdom. Always here. ❤️

Hey! So very sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I was in Florida for 2 months. A friend of mine has a candle business and I invested in it. I went down there to start the business. Making about 100 or so candles to start. Then unfortunately I was out on my daily walks, I use a walker to walk and the walker hit a brick and we went flying. I broke 3 ribs!! Very painful. I wound up staying longer.
Anyway, how are you doing? Hope all is well with you. Would love to chat one day. Let’s talk soon