Any advice on how to make friends?
I am so tired of feeling so horribly alone. I know sitting around and moping but at the same time I don’t know where to go. Because of a physical disability I can’t really travel much, I don’t have a car, and public transport is really expensive. I live close to my homes downtown but it’s a small town and downtown consists of mostly crappy little stores or really expensive new stores that don’t follow ada law- so I can’t get in.
My plan was to volunteer at my local humane society and I figured I could try and meet some people there and even if I didn’t I would at least get to spend some time with animals (which are normally easier to be around anyways.). And I was really kind of excited about this opportunity...
and I should really learn to stop getting excited about anything because like normal it didn’t work out. The building is really old and small. My chair won’t go in. Yay........
So instead I applied to volunteer at a nearby hospital. The people I’ll be working with are all about 70+ Year’s old which aren’t ideal friends for a 22 year old.
Even my school campus isn’t any help because again- it’s a small town campus that no one spends any time at. This past semester I wasted so much time on campus hoping to try and find people I could attempt to socialize with but most people just don’t hang around after their classes are done.
My family says I should just accept that I’m just not the kind of person who will have friends.... I don’t want to give up. I don’t want to feel so alone... but I don’t know what to do.