I’m frustrated it feels like my memory is jumping if that makes any sense at all like I’ll be doing something and my mind will just move to something else and I’ll kind of forget what I was just doing or my mind just goes blank like it comes and goes today been stressful because of the the psychiatrist appointment I don’t know if I care for him my mind is racing my body doing weird shit again. I don’t want to take the Effexor or k-pin he’s like how’s your blood pressure I was like On the higher side and he was like oh the Effexor will raise it. I couldn’t even think during most the appointment because I just have to keep reliving the same shit over and over. Then I ended up having heart palpitations getting more anxious and just felt poop wasn’t able to get good sleep. Im more frustrated and depressed crying all day just want to sleep but I can’t. He want even a psychiatrist he’s a nurse practitioner. I don’t know what to do. My life is just over I have no hope. I’m so fucking sad and tired of this damn prickly sensation all over my body. And this buzzing feeling is back in my left leg like is that a sign of a blood clot?
Memory and psychiatrist appointment - Anxiety and Depre...
Memory and psychiatrist appointment

Adam have you had a physical lately?Ur medical doctor should be aware of the high blood pressure.Even if ur young still need another pair of eyes on ur physical symptoms . Just my experience w/ issues that can be physical & not emotional.

I’ve had so much blood work done finally convinced them to check my adrenal glands well they did blood work for that have to wait days for results. Even had my brain scanned and spine which is probably the reason I’m in a depression because the damn family doctor nurse practitioner told me that I had Chiari malformation didn’t give me anymore information on it so I ended up having to go to a neurosurgeon and in that mean time When I was waiting to go I researched stuff and majorly freaked myself out because I was only finding the bad stuff. But the neurosurgeon is like you can put this part all behind you your brain and spine all look structurally fine. I’m just tired of all this weird shit that I feel it’s frustrating I do realize the more I focus on it and think about it the worse it can be. But it’s just frustrating experiencing things never felt before.
I am so sorry you are having a rough time. I want to say don't give up but I know it must be hard. My anxiety is different than yours, but it is often very powerful and scary. I realize your anxiety, though different than mine, must be equally bad. I just want to encourage you if I can. You have a lot of people who care about you. Sending hugs.
Try to find a psychiatrist. I think you need more than a nurse practitioner. Also, you would want to be seeing the psychiatrist, or psychologist on an ongoing basis for talk therapy as well as medication.
I can totally relate to the memory thing . When I am in a depressive on anxious state I can't seem to focus at all . It feel like brain fog . Like I loose everything can't concentrate on any task and drift off in conversations. I try to be self compassionate and remind myself that it's a symptom . Unfortunately I don't know much about these medications or how they effects the blood pressure e.c.t , I hope you get it sorted soon . I find that if I have an appointment or phone consultation , I take notes . I write down anything that I want to talk about , questions and concerns . And then I write down important information they give me . You can do it on your phone if easier . Or if possible bring someone with you that can help retain this information . 🐼
Do you ever have memories from the past just randomly pop up into your mind? Like nothing triggers them I’ll just be laying there thinking about something and then bam a memory from the past just plays in my head nothing bad it’s just like why
Like an intrusive thought ?. Yeah I get them all the time . I think most people do
I guess so I just get random memories from my past that will play in my head
Do you like try to figure out what you did "wrong" ? . Like I should of said this or maybe if I did this ?
Nope just random memories
Oh are they happy memories , sad memories of something in particular that keep coming up . Do they make you feel a particular way ? If they are just memories then I wouldn't think too much into it our minds tend to wonder through different thoughts. The more attention we bring to it the more we end up thinking about it .
Have you ever tried meditation ?
Your symptoms jump all over the place. Could that be why your thoughts jump all over the place? Serious question. I would have a hard time staying on task if I was worried constantly about a whole list of things. In fact I know I can’t.