I was on lexapro for about 13 years and went off of it a year ago bc, i fell no joy, motivation, like being paralyzed or inertia. But it gave me a baseline a safety net. I had no lows, but no highs either. It prevented me from falling, but had no lift, i was "flattened". I was just existing, there had to be more to life. My doctors couldn't stabalise me and I wound up hospitalized. I was severely suicidal and the depressive/emotional pain was Unbearable. So, 3 weeks ago I restarted lexapro to get back to where I was on 10mg (I was on 20 the first time). 10 was not enough but it was a slight improvement. I was still in immense pain and had the inertia. 2 days ago I raised it to 15mg and completely regressed. It was like I went off it completely.
I called my psychiatrist and waiting for him to call back. If I don't hear from him I might just go back to 10 for the weekend until I hear from him. 10mg wasn't great or enough, but 15 is 1000 times worse. I'm in so much pain, and suicidal. Ironically, lexapro is the drug that's supposed to Stabalise me so i could function normally. Now I can't stand it. This did not happen the first time. I am well aware that when you go off a drug and then back it can affect you differently. But ive tried so many meds and other treatments (ECT, TMS and ketamine) that I'm really scared I've run out of options to try. I'm tired of being a guinea pig. I'm Really afraid and upset. I have a kid so I can't commit suicide but I can't live like this either. It's too painful.
Has anyone felt like they regressed like this after raising their dose on any drug? I want to stick with lexapro and give it it's proper chance, but going up from 10-15 and feeling so suicidal and painful as I do now when I didn't to this degree before (both on 10mg two days ago and last year) doesn't make sense to me. 10 is definitely not enough. What I am supposed to do. I've already gone through pretty much all the ssri's, Mirtazipine, seroquel, Zyprexa, lithium, wellbutrin. I'm desperate.