After 4 years of loving him unconditionally, doing everything for him, being the best girlfriend, friend, lover, partner he could have, he dumps me. After planning our entire future together he just leaves and doesn't look back. He broke up with me 1 month ago. But he kept talking now and then, giving me hope. Until he just stopped answering my texts or calls. He has ghosted me. It hurts so much to be ghosted by the person you loved the most. I keep having suicidal thoughts cause I just want this pain to ho away. I feel like I'm never going to feel good again, like I'll never love anyone again. How can you move on?
Losing the love of your life - Anxiety and Depre...
Losing the love of your life

Accept that the loss was his and you deserve better. Reach out to God and pray for a better partner and one will come. It happened for me we have been married and happy for 32 years now. You seem to me a person who has a lot of love to give. That has value to any man. But stop the suicide thoughts accept belief in God and accept that Jesus died for you and somebody will come when God feels it is time.
It’s time to give all the love you have inside to yourself❤️
Do everything you would do for a friend going through the same situation💐
We have no control who likes or loves us but God never stops loving us🙏🏾
You are worthy, one of a kind, special
Might help to start listening to positive affirmations to counter negative thoughts
You’ll learn a lot about yourself as you work through your pain
Being rejected like that is very difficult to cope with and quite painful, particularly the way that you were ghosted. I know, it has happened to me, only time will heal it. It can take a while. I feel bad for you. I know what it feels like.
Can you tell me how long it took for you?
To be honest, it was a slow process. It took me almost a year to feel ok again, but there was still some lingering pain, slowly, you will heal, but it is a difficult process.
I'm really scared I'll feel this way for a long time, it's unbearable. I'm also scared I'm never going to love and be loved like this again.
Yes, it is a very painful experience. It takes time to recover. It was devastating for me as well.
I understand why you would feel very hurt and devastated right now, but you will get through this. Please don't think about suicide or harming yourself in any way. You tell yourself he's not worth it!!! Give yourself lots of time to heal. There are many more men out there. Give yourself some good TLC and self care, like take a bubble bath or do your nails. And respect yourself. 💖

You're right he doesn't deserve me at all but my heart doesn't listen to my head and I still get depressed. I try to keep those thoughts out of my mind, I know I'll be better one day, but I want the pain to go away fast.
I understand. It's hard when people we've known for a long time decide to leave us. I've been through a lot myself, I'm a 50 year old woman and I've been through friendships and relationships and people have walked away from me, and sometimes I don't really know what I did wrong. Don't believe that this necessarily means that you did or said something to drive him away, he might have some of his own issues going on. Maybe he doesn't feel ready for marriage or something, who knows???? You will get through this, I have faith in you!!!☺

Thank you for your support. In the first days I blamed myself but now I know that I didn't do anything wrong, I did all I could to save the relationship. I hope you're in a better place right now, surrounded with people that will stick with you through everything.