So I’m trying my darnest to stay on BUSPAR 7.5mg twice a day but it’s not going to well. First two doses of taking it I had one hell of a panic attack. My brain feels like I’m spaced out I’m not alert I’m dizzzyy my reality feels like it keeps jumping around I get confused and feel like I’ve lost my memory I’ll be driving and be like where am I like I know where I am but at that moment I didn’t it’s freaky. It slightly lessen my anxiety here and there but like it feels really bad when I do get that wave of anxiety or panic out of no where. I can barely even drive. And I noticed it seems to make the suicidal thoughts I have 10x more intense. I wish there was natural stuff I could take to help me.
Buspar: So I’m trying my darnest to... - Anxiety and Depre...

O.k. Adam, another list of symptoms. Next time, instead of just listing more symptoms why not tell us what positive things you are doing to bring about your recovery.
Jeff you have become one of the most negative people on here. I’m listing my symptoms to see if others had the same reaction. This group has been for people to try and help each other. Everything doesn’t have to be positive. And trying a medicine is pretty positive.
Nothing negative about pointing out that just listing your symptoms year after year will not enable you to recover. On the contrary it's the best and most positive piece of advice you can give.
Yes, we should all list our symptoms but running parallel with that we should discuss what we're doing in order to recover. The options include therapy, medication, counselling, self help books and Youtube. I believe you started on Buapar which takes 4 weeks to kick in but you were even evaluating it negatively after 4 days.
All good positive advice but I will trouble you no further.
I agree I get what you are trying to do Jeff but read the posts better and be more sympathetic if being positive about things fixed mental illness there would be no need for medication or therapy
It's called tough love, it helps people recover who don't realise that God helps those who help themselves. (This mention of God is not an attempt at preaching to you but a figure of speech).
So called 'tough love' is not what's needed when someone is struggling and trying to get help. We can't help the way we feel! They need more compassion and encouragement. Tough love is used for someone who has done something wrong not for someone going through a difficult time mentally and emotionally. It's like telling someone with depression to "cheer up". If we could we would!
Tough love when needed is far more beneficial than telling people to cheer up or lots of hugs. It can lead them towards remedies that can lead to respite and recovery. I repeat, merely giving regular updates on the latest symptoms for 5 years isn't alone going to help. Pointing someone in the direction of a cure: therapy, self help advice in books and on Youtube, meds can produce recovery. When starting on a new med like Buspar it's good to 'look for improvement' not blame it after 4 days for causing 2 panic attacks. Buspar relieves panic attacks, it doesn't cause them. So I say again, we can have too much negativity, you need positivity (and letting time pass) to recover.
I know what Buspar is for. I was on it for a while years ago, but you don't know that it is or isn't making his panic attacks worse. Everyone responds differently to different meds. I was on meds for decades and became treatment resistant; luckily my therapist recommended a drug free alternative. And about tough has no place when someone is struggling. They need compassion and encouragement
I’ve no experience with that particular drug but definitely would encourage you to speak to your doctor, I’m sure on a lot of meds it mentions if you’re experiencing heightened thoughts of suicidal feelings to speak to your doctor. I know it can take a good few weeks for your body to adjust to certain tablets but it does sound horrible for you. Lots of love
I tried Buspar and it just made things worse for me. I stopped it right away. It made me very agitated. Very hard to fall asleep. Tell your dr. Try something different. Lots of choices. You will find the right fit. Don’t give up.
How long have you been on Buspar? It does take a while to kick in., unlike any of the faster acting benzos(ativan, xanax, eg). Sorry you're having difficulty with it. I was on it quite a while ago and it helped but each of us is different. Never knew there could be such side effects from it. Please see your doctor and discuss . Hope you get some relief!
I agree with bits of each response here. Your MD needs to be notified. There are side effects to every med. Your body chemistry is unique from everyone else's.
Some people are sensitive and can develop increase in anxiety from certain meds. A lot of times symptoms like yours will go away but it's up to your physician to make these decisions with you.
Some people just get anxious taking new meds. I've been trialed on many medications so I know first hand that anything can happen.
It might be helpful to others if you add in what you are doing to deal with your issues of anxiety. It does take work to conquer this.
First and foremost it may not be a good idea to be driving until you get used to this Med. Sounds like an unsafe situation to me.
Hi Adam! I’ve also tried Buspar in the past and I felt like it did nothing for me. After years of being on a certain med, I became immune to it and had to switch it up. Talk with your prescriber about your side affects and maybe changing dose/ switch meds.