hi everyone, i experienced anxiety, i would say the worse anxiety, but i truly don’t know what others are going through, and i wanted to get out and say what i experienced almost on a everyday basis. When i experience anxiety, it can be over something very little, or very big, the triggers can be something important like very big like something stressful happened to in my life like something with a parent because i do have a parent who gives me anxiety, or something very small that doesn’t matter like if i don’t feel well like nausea, headache, cramps from my lady days, and anything like that panics me out. When i panic out i do experience nausea, headache, and cannot sleep so insomnia. My anxiety makes me feel like the world is ending and i’m alone in this world, i feel sick, tired, crying, feel like i cannot breathe, won’t eat, won’t sleep, won’t lay down, won’t talk, and just won’t do anything. I can have anxiety about anything or nothing, it feels like it hits me out of no where with no reason whatsoever. But my biggest fear and trigger to my anxiety is medication to help my anxiety, i actually started it today, and i haven’t been idk doing the best, i can’t tell if it’s my anxiety about the medication or the side effects. I feel weird gross, and tired, i tried to eat and lost my appetite. I just want to make sure i am not alone in this world.
do you ever feel alone? : hi everyone... - Anxiety and Depre...
do you ever feel alone?

You are NOT alone. Every person's symptoms are different, and as you know can vary from episode to episode at times. Good job on starting something that sounded like a major challenge for you. Because you were so nervous about the medicine there is a good chance some of your blah feelings of today are because you did take the meds. I truly hope this is the start of a treatment plan for getting you feeling better!

Thank you! It feels good to not feel alone in this. I got told by friends and family that what i feel can be from my meditation because i am adjusting, and that it could also be in my head and i need to stay calm. I do hope they work for me too!
You are absolutely not alone. I can relate to a lot of those feelings myself, they are all normal symptoms of anxiety.
I will advise only to try and give the meds a chance, they may really work for you!
I pray you get to a better place soon, but know you’re not alone!
Thank you so much! Feel good to know i’m not alone in this when i felt like i was.
YOU are not alone. Absolutely not alone! Lifting you in prayer and biggest hug. Anxiety disorder is cruel but you can rise. Do not shrink to it. It’s so easy to shrink to it. Check out a book by the late Dr Claire Weeks called Hope and Help for your nerves. It really spoke to me when I had a setback with my anxiety. You can listen on audible or YouTube. You’re courageous for giving meds a shot. Be proud.
I feel the exact same way! I don’t mind being alone. What I hate with it is being around people who make me FEEL alone or lonely in the midst of it. I’m around a group of people like that and have received 0 support. I’m resentful but taking steps to remove myself.
Hi! I’m glad i’m not alone in this feeling. I’m sorry you have people around you who make you feel lonely. I do hope you can find some better people to make you feel more supportive. But you aren’t in this alone!
A lot of us can relate. I feel alone all of the time but just starting to realize there are so many others, like yourself, feeling the same things. It’s comforting to know that. I echo the others’ comments. The meds will take some getting used to but the right ones for you will work. I remember having quite a headache at first but it’s only temporary. I once made the mistake once of thinking I no longer needed them. Lol WRONG!! I thought taking meds was a sign of weakness. WRONG X 1000!!! I now accept my anxiety and depression along with the help meds give to me. Maybe in time you’ll no longer need them…maybe you always will need a little help. Either way, you are definitely not alone in this. 🙏🏻
You are certainly not alone in being anxious. Virtually every person in the world suffers from some degree of anxiety and depression. Although mental health problems were considered weaknesses or character flaws and were not discussed by people in the past, there is much more acceptance today of mental health problems and their treatment. This forum is a good example.
I would certainly give the medication a little more time before you decide if it is helping or if the side effects are too great. I would suggest also that you try meditation and breathing exercises and physical exercise. All of these are helpful to some degree for almost anybody. Try them long enough so that you can make a good decision about what helps and what doesn't help.
I will also make my usual suggestion which is to study cognitive behavioral therapy. It sounds like you already have some insight into your condition. CBT will help you to learn about your thoughts and help you to rethink them to make them less negative and more realistic. You already seem to realize that some of your anxieties are out of portion to the event that caused them. I recommend the book Feeling Great by David Burns.

Hi! thank you for your response. it feels great it have support. I do plan to give the medication a try, and see how it works for me. It just feels like the side effects and my anxiety about the medication are just mashing together if you know what i mean. I have tried meditating before and couldn’t feel myself relax, it kind of makes me feel anxious. i’m not quite sure why.
You are not alone. In fact you are quite common. Being a woman and suffering from anxiety. It's quite common to see that in women. However anxiety can affect anybody at any time in any demographic and in any gender.
It could be a little from, a little from column B. With anxiety medication it does take a little while for it to do its job. In the meantime you use talk therapy too speak about what makes you anxious. Writing down a journal of what may have triggered it. That way you could talk it over with your therapist. I find I get the most anxious at night. I think for a lot of people it's the same reason. You're up while everyone else is asleep. And that does tend to make you feel alone. I'm on medication and I'm seeing a psychologist. I still get those lonely feelings. With anxiety it's a lot of hard work to get out of the hole. I wish there was an easier way. That we all can be out of the hole and be living our best life. So I wish you good luck on your journey and hopefully we will get there ❤️🫂
think of it like this … if you were diabetic there would be no judgement at all when you felt shaky. Anxiety can feel similar. No judgement. Chemistry. You get pills so you can learn skills abd apply them. Chemistry just gives you the opportunity to be resilient and do better because your body feels less comfortable than someone without the condition.
I explain it like … know that feeling of a cops’ lights behind you when you know you’re speeding?
It feels like that all the tone for no reason. Then folks seems to get it.
I can’t take credit. My therapist “Hammy” as I call him explained it to me.