Idk what to do anymore this week really has set me back i keep having panic attacks everyday I can’t seem to bring myself down. I’m barely eating. I keep getting weird sensations all over my body. I guess I’m just so stressed/anxious/depressed again it’s making me physically Ill. The stress from attempting to get that stress test on Tuesday really set me backwards I’m so sad for 2 weeks I worked so hard on myself getting out of the house going to the store by myself without panicking the whole time. Now I’m having anxiety/panic attacks again hard core worrying about my health thinking I’m dying. And then I found out my mom may have breast cancer again. I did start Paxil today to see if it helps. But of course I’ve gotten new weird symptoms going on feeling like my lower 3 fingers are buzzing or vibrating here and there I also get this like weird chocking sensation where I feel like I can’t swallow randomly feel like I can’t breath even though I am breathing my chest randomly gets hot. I just can’t seem to calm myself down. Though I did get through a panic attack by myself didn’t call anyone or anything just forced myself to lay flat on my back let myself feel whatever I was feeling then fell asleep for like 10 minutes. I just don’t know what to do anymore. The doctors do keep telling me it’s stress and anxiety though
I’m just over feeling like this I jus... - Anxiety and Depre...
I’m just over feeling like this I just wish it would let up

Hi Adam. I'm so sorry. That must feel awful. Can you do me a favor and show what you write here to your doctor? You deserve to feel okay.
Agree....please tell your doctor about the sensations you are having if you have not already. You may be having an allergic reaction to the medication. Hope you feel better soon.
Sorry to hear Adam overwhelm can be a game changer in our mood and expectations living life on our own terms can be daunting with self worth and the reality of life talking is the great healer setting new inspirations removing anxious and pain you are worthy of better supports and wellbeing not good enough or negative emotions the need to be in the present moment small steps finding focus and clarity self esteem and positive attribute help build the environment change and reflection with mindfulness filling the space with good pursuits self inspiring interests be it shared with friends or family removing challenging thoughts with intentions belief habits in self their is always help and counselling to lighten burdens never feel alone or vulnerable hope you find better happy self care and you progress in hope and safety
Hi Adam their is some good affirmations of self care and attributes Positive vibes😀👍
Adamj please go to youtube and search guided imagery for panic attacks... it may seem silly to you at first but choose one and do it twice a will find that your panic attacks get fewer and fewer very quickly. Then they have others for stress and such. Good luck.
Those do sound like anxiety and panic attack type symptoms. I'm no expert but I have a lot of those same symptoms when my anxiety flares, especially when it flares into panic. I keep trying to remind myself when I'm going through that it's just a feeling and it will pass. Eventually it will pass. And I try to do things to distract myself. Then I cherish the time when it does. I'm on an anti anxiety and anti depressant meds too.