I’m crying cuz I’m tired of feeling like shit especially in the chest. My chest hurts so many different parts I feel popping thumping flutters feels like my heart does weird shit. And like my sternum has pressure at the bottom of it and feel like this popping on the sides of it and can’t tell if it’s my heart This shit isn’t normal especially when you just be laying/sitting there and you feel like you’re floating or if feels like you can’t breath for a second or so. Feeling like you’re gonna faint. My shoulders neck back hurt. The tiredness. Cold feet that hurt so bad. I’m tired of feeling so bad the anti anxiety meds don’t make it feel better one bit noticed that the same thing is happening with the klonopin again that it feel like my coronation is shit or my arms don’t work right. It took everything in me to to go for that ride today. I keep not like remembering where I am like I know where I am but it feels like I don’t.
crying : I’m crying cuz I’m tired of... - Anxiety and Depre...

I just get told to suck it up it’s anxiety
you should not have to “suck it up “ I have been told this before what yiu are going through is real . I am sorry you feel pain all over your body .
Wrong response. Never, ever accept this. People that don't understand throw this out there and don't realize the damage they are doing.
((( Adam)))
You can lean on us. I hear you and it sounds so difficult. I’m so sorry for all you’re going through. Who tells you to suck it up?
I just someone had an idea on how to help me. Some family members and PCP are like just anxiety
I’m not saying it’s all anxiety but it is amazing all that anxiety can cause.
I just don’t know why I feel physically I’ll because of it
I just get frustrated that some things disappear and others stay and get amplified and super intense
I did find this though
Good research! The findings list so many symptoms of anxiety and especially standing out is how anxiety has us noticing bodily sensations amplified more than others do without anxiety , which is what you are going through. The ‘Great Imitator’ has us think we have problems other than what are due to anxiety, actually being anxiety…
feeling the same way but we gonna be ok just breathe and i wish people be more sensitive when these episodes happen ...smh
I'm so sorry. I hear it, i feel it, i experience it. This wednesday i cried for hours. Nobody took me serious. Nor my sympthoms. Can't even drink coffee.. Called the emergency,they said im wasting their time. I feel like i'm collapsing all the time but nobody believes me because i'm 22. They say i'm too young to struggle with health. And yeah i know my mental health is contributing to my physical and physical to mental. It's high time profesionals understand it. I want to cry all the time. Clinging on klonopin. Sorry to hear it doesn't help you, maybe you got tolerant to it? I feel like i'm alive on klonopin. Sorry If this got too long and sad, i just wanted you to know you're not alone, you're valid and it's not your fault. I wish we could be treated better
I'm sending you the biggest hugs you've ever had. Sometimes we just need to be held in order to feel that human comfort. Thank you for sharing your pain with us. Please know that We feel what you feel!!