I happen to be left handed. Who else on here is? I know we're rather rare but we're out there!!! Didn't you absolutely hate it in art class growing up if you had to fight over who gets the left handed scissors with some other leftie who grabbed them before you??? And when you learned to write in cursive how you're smearing the ink all over the page and it takes you longer to write out things than all the other people? I know in older times how some kids would get their hand smacked with a ruler or something like that if you DARED to not use your right hand. Ouch!!! I hope that's changing for good now. A couple of notable lefties are Barack Obama and Eminem. Different can be cool.😎 I'm very creative, always have been. I like to say if you want someone who has one of a kind, original ideas and thinks outside of the box, try asking a left handed person what they think about something, you might hear something remarkable you never thought of. And yes, being left handed, watch out for all the machinery designed for right handed people, we are much more likely to have some kind of accident with all of that!!! In my family including my parents, my mom is right handed and my Dad is left handed. I have 2 younger sisters, one is right handed and the other is left handed like me. That's just how it turned out, there definitely must be a genetic link there. I remember it was my Dad who taught me how to tie my shoes, my mom doing it the " right" way confused me. So lefties, how has being left handed made an impact on you? Let me know and take a break from being depressed and anxious!!! 🙂
Lefties, unite!!!!!: I happen to be... - Anxiety and Depre...
Lefties, unite!!!!!
Jimi Hendrix was a leftie... greatest guitar player in history...
I did not know that! I know who Jimi Hendrix is, I think really the only song I know by him, correct me if I'm wrong, is Foxy Lady. Oh wait, did he have a song called Little Wing? The reason I say that is I know that one with Sting singing it. I'm amazed by Sting, along with a ton of other women out there!!! I can play an acoustic guitar and the piano, but not super well. Ages ago I played the clarinet in Junior High. Music has always been my saving grace. I've tried writing songs, more like writing the words than all the music.

Way back in the day I saw Jimi play before he was huge, also saw Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin and Eric Clapton when he was with Cream, and many more,... All amazing ... but Jimi Hendrix was magic...I've never seen anything like him. The ones I regret not seeing were Bonnie Raitt, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Chrissie Hynde.
Love Bonnie Raitt!!!! It's nice to see an older woman making it big than all the 16 year old wonder youngsters, nothing against them, but still. Just shows you never know, show biz is hit or miss. I believe Bonnie Raitt was trying for a long time before she blew up the charts with Something to Talk About.
I am left-handed; my father is as well. My younger sister is right-handed. I would definitely say it has not been a problem for me at all. I was homeschooled and my parents never forced me to use my right hand. My mom actually was able to teach me how to write even though she is right-handed. My cursive looks like a right-handed person's cursive and I slant the paper when writing like a right-handed person. Yet I use my left hand to write and I learned relatively quickly. In fact, I was taught cursive in kindergarten. I am part of the newer generation and I have never heard of anybody in today's society getting hit with a ruler for being left-handed. I think this right hand left hand thing is fortunately a thing of the past in the U.S. There have been studies done that show dominate hand develops while a child is still in the womb. Therefore, being left-handed is natural and not a defect like it was made out to be in the past. I think being left-handed is neat. I like being different from most others out there.
leftie myself my and lefties have a hidden talent as they say but I`m still trying to discover mine haha.
Actually I’m ambidextrous after breaking my wrist last year I learnt to write left handed, so some good came out of it .
There are many famous left handed people
Winston Churchill , Napoleon, Mozart, Prince William, Queen Mother , Queen. Victoria to name just a few
I’m a leftie for anything requiring fine coordination like writing drawing, painting etc. can do right handed for other stuff so I guess I’m ambi😀
Well, hell, everything is geared for right handed people!!! I can cut with right handed scissors but of course my precision isn't there. I think people should try to learn to do things with both their right and left hands, then you learn with both sides of your brain. However, you're always going to have the hand you prefer unless you have a stroke and something happens to you.