I need some sound advice! I have been in a friendship with a lady for 3 years now. It is on the cusp of becoming a relationship. She is 45 and I am 66, she is very attractive and I have 2 rivals that are very much on the scene. One is the father of her 2 young children, aged 2 and 4. Would this be foolhardy of me allow this to happen. The other men just use her then scarper and leave her to cope alone with little money and the kids to bring up on her own. We have a good connection and understanding of each other! Am I just a foolish older man ? Ray.
Advice needed !: I need some sound... - Anxiety and Depre...
Advice needed !

If she makes you happy just go for it ray
might be time for you to ask this woman how she feels about you/what is the role of the father of her kids/what about the other rival you said nothing about him?you have been talking with her face to face i assume /do you go on dates/it doesnt sound like have had relations with her.i'm 60 and havent dated for some years now,im working on myself right now....where are you mentally?dealing with any specific issues you deal with???what about her?is she mentally in a good place?does she shut you out whenever the ex husband comes around/have you ever met him? if you have strong emotional ties to this younger woman i would share all my feelings and thoughts you have concerning you and her for the future...............................i iwsh you good luck and ask you to talk to god about your entire situation and think deeply before you take any major steps with her/////////DS
Thanks. Yes I know all the details about her and the rivals. She has problems but don't we all. Been talking to her several times a week for 3 years now. But she has just told me we could take things forward.
I agree with SS, gerrerd. Happiness is hard to come by, sometimes. If she makes you happy then all is good.
By the way, you are not a silly old man at all, you just want a relationship with a lovely lady who you have known for quite a while.
Keeping my fingers crossed that it all goes well. 😉
gerrerd, love knows no age. The heart wants what the heart wants.She is a lucky woman Good Luck xx
Dear Ray, wish you the absolute best! 💕
She’ll love your new shower 🚿
Hard to give advice without all the details. I understand you have made a connection with her. Is it worth your while to proceed further at this point. Such young children. Dealing with an Ex husband. Just understand what your getting yourself into completely before you make such a huge commitment.I wish you the best! 😀

The children know me have been friends with them all their live,s.
Maybe ask her kids how they would feel about it. You definitely want to include them as they would be part of the relationship as well.
Hi Roy. Ask yourself this, if you do nothing and she goes off with another man, how would you feel if you didn't at least let her know how you feel? I am speaking from experience and although I am happily married with 5 children and 3 granddaughters, I do sometimes wonder what if!
I will be blunt, at 66, you are still young enough to enjoy life, to do that with someone special would be so much greater, to share life's adventures together is something magical. Go for it before someone else steaks your chance.
Life is short, if you make each other happy then just do it!
You won't know unless you try. Go for it Ray!