I am crushed and do not know what to do.
Last week I took my 4lb yorkie to the vet to get checked out. Shes been having problems with her legs lately and it's hard for her to use her steps. The vet gave us joint meds for her that cost about $40 for the bottle. while we were at the vets, we mentioned that we wanted to take care of her teeth as well. She is only 4 (5 in two weeks), but we knew some of her teeth were an issue and needed to be pulled. So we set up an appointment for the following week to have her teeth done. The vet also talked us into having her spayed at the same time. Said it's better to put them under once (which I've heard before) and it keeps their risk down for certain diseases (which I've also heard). Well, her being our vet.... we trusted her and set up the appointment for this past Wednesday.
Wednesday morning: my yorkie was throwing up a little in the morning time. We thought she was just hungry, we were told no food or water after 9pm the night before. She also had a little bit of diarrhea that morning too. She is a very nervous little dog, so didnt really think anything of it.
Dropped her off at the vets in morning, vet called in afternoon and updated us. Said she pulled 12 teeth! How could 12 teeth need to be pulled on a 4yr old yorkie?! And is it safe to pull 12 at once on something that small?? Ok so anyways, she said surgery went well, spay is done. We could come in a few hours to pick her up.
We get there at around 4pm, pick her up. She was out of it! The whole way home you could tell she was uncomfortable. Luckily it was a ten min ride.
We get home and put her on the couch in her normal spot, bundle her up and make her comfy. Took off her cone because she really wasnt moving much and didnt seem like she was going to mess with the stitches. A few hours go by and shes still really out of it. Gave her some water, she somewhat took to it. At one point we moved her on her side to make her more comfortable. It seemed she couldn't move herself at all. She was limp. The vet said she'd be like this for 24 hours, so we just thought she was really drugged up still.
A few hours go by, not much activity from her... all of the sudden she let's out a painful bloody scream. I run up to her and BOOM.... shes dead.
What happened to my dog?! We rushed her to the ER vet, and they seem to think she threw a clot from the surgery. We are now out over $600 for the surgery and a few hundred for the cremation now, and no dog. I really want to hold the vet responsible, but we did sign paperwork. I dont think I can do anything about this... but I'm very hurt, angry, lost... I've been through enough in the past year... now I have to deal with death of my dog... that I had to witness 😭
I feel the vet was negligent, but of course they say everything went as planned. I cant just let this go. I feel they need to do something to make this right. "Sorry' does not make this ok. I'm sure they wont refund us, but I feel like they are thieves now.
I'm just so upset and angry. Any advice would be great. I need justice for my little girl. I cant be ok with her losing her life after surgery. I'd still have my dog if she didnt talk us into spaying her 😔
We had planned on our yorkie mix to get spayed next. NEVER! No more surgeries 💔