Resigned : Been working at a large... - Anxiety and Depre...

Anxiety and Depression Support

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12 Replies

Been working at a large horse farm as


contractor (three buldings)

horse trainer

chief instructor

hay transportation

estate design

for board and room as its v v hard to find work ....over qualitifed....and people want young instrucotrs and people .......very cheerful and less eexpseive (they believe wrongly im expenseive no matter what i say)

been working 7 days a week 14 hours per day

boss forcing a relatihsihp i do not want and her friends pressure it as well....


may have to suck a rock but time to hit the job ads again.......

we all are survovrs but not to lose your soul over....

take care all.....

12 Replies
Agora1 profile image

I admire you Brig. You are an amazing man :) xx

I'm sorry Brig. Not so much sorry that you are leaving a very unfair situation but that you have to go job hunting again. It's hard and depressing. I've done it many times myself. You will find something though. You've got a lot to give. Agora1 is right, you are an amazing man. Wish there were more of you!

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i dearly dearly love the grace and complexity of the trees...not looking for straight so called perfect boring trees that bevom the model trees of perfecdtion called telephone poles..they have their younger years i selectively cut trees per my job and over the yeae to rs the forest thing grow back faster due to the water but still.....i left an impact and much to my regret.....became more and more conservation minded and the horses u train.....u woirk with dialy and your respect deepens and grows....maybe both the trees and the horses teach the man...due to their tolerance and indirecf forgiveness......trees esp and i would never share my heart throb of nature and watching even butterlfies....maybe after all the gross we seen in vet med......makes u want to see growth and beatufulcation true beatifulcation not artifical ......and things heal and enough distruction....enouhg suffering ex\ those who dont deserve it.......and their familes............the treeds grace theis world and have soo many funcitons much like thhe quiet caretakers in theis mtoher the loud and bossy so entitled run over the kind and distain them as weak but actually it takes trememdous emotional strenht to share peoples emtoinas and comfort and protect and serve......but get noooo the treees......they grace my life im just the forester, i m just the .......what would i be without wathcign and learning from them ...............and so ....much of the importtant or inner world........i learn from grew up just a worker.......almost no socializaton...didnt talk...had to learn when i was twnety...........saw bad husbands tothe kindest of women and have met mean men and woemne..........makes me very kind people through no failut of their own ust like trees are not barbed wire...they deserve a sanctuary.................u......and others ...........what would a man be without the quiet grace of the do u expalin to them....but im not perfect ....yes i know ur better.....interesting and soooo...........i soo resepct whatu d oand i cant.....i cant stand to lose more but i can get attached to u...............and u wont get mad if im protective lke so many vet med alpha birds...........tehyd rathter get stomped ....the kind peple are my teachers.......i havent a clue about a kind or lvoing mother or woemn...just know .....protect at all costs........solomon was totally right about the riddle with the two mtoehr used to call them hysterical but actually they wree normal protecgive mothers wheeast she eats marines for fun...........

she is embaassed that her son is senstivel whereas the trees and the horses......its an asset......some like u.....dont laugh or arent embarsssed.....omg my poor son.....trying to comfort his girflfeind......he must be one of those...........

no....u all help the world more than u will ever too old and dont wnt mothering but i protect and respect kind womenand what they and the miracle they do.......true words...........just think what that must be like .......\\\\\not i lern from u but thank u...made lots an d ltos of mistakes....still earlnign from all of u

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im for.........for....trapping preditors.....before tehy get to women and children.......bait them and drive them out of town...thtre no excuse for women or chilreent or vulneralble elderly to be violproated or live in very very old fasionsed ........the kind shall inheent world just like trees shall not be violated....nor shall the gentel or the tough on predictors as i grew up with them and u can not negtiate with them as i rited and treid for years.....doestn work.......people have the right ot personal safety....esp the vulenrable and the depedndents......or so called......prtoect the innocents at all costs

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Brigs. Always the gentle man. 😊

Rafiki11 profile image

I’m sorry to hear this. I’m glad you’re choosing to take care of yourself. I know it’s not easy to make this change.

Midori profile image

So sorry to hear that, Brig. I wish you luck in your job hunting, and I doubt you should find much trouble with all your experience with horses.

Cheers, Midori

in reply to Midori

good time to reconnect to good people here, recharge, repack and reorganize.....the military has plenty of problems but that they got right......pull back from stupid and regroup....reorg...plan and decide if ur going in the right direcdtion.....sure thats commmon knowledte to u...but great to have good neighbors so to speak......yes....for the best.........look around smell the roses......have a long cup of coffee ..what that? ...........look at the parks or find some historical place ......take a long (more than a day) to see whats around me........

good time to get rested and healthy thankful for freinds like here, dophin Lc faux art and many others...........let the stupid wagon go banging and clanging by..................ahhhhh peace and quiet......birds...and ..........

many thanks

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u all ....make such a difference in life.......u really*** do***

all we have is ourselveswe cant afford to be our own worst enemies......

we have no one to fall back on so somehow make peace with the past or ignore it......and get ready for life ahead....we dont need permission.....never did ..just some smuck docotrs think they invented air.....ya ok in thier minds only

we all have strenghts and weaknesses

we have to find our niches and work on our aptitudes.....

progedies start at the top

most everyone starts just like anyoone else.....just lots fo practice

i use easy books when i start to learn new subjectds....i dont ** use greys anatomy....then i tutor it teach it and use it

just like any mechanic, welder cook truck driver or anyone with epxerincec....

the more us use it the more real and more persmianent it becomes......the best thing is to teach it.......the teacher always learns more than anyone....(common knowledge)

my goal was to learn from the good mothers and teeacher and fathers...

make cooking fun (cookies and fun stuff, or musci fun.....and enjoyable --- rice crispy treats!!) as there are two methods of learning ...indrect and direct...

often the abusive coachses and the former higher ed get the accolades

whoever........society has it tottally backwards

the most important are the formative and the staring educators who turn the fear of education the fear of learning the fear of tests the fear of a place where the kids to classes .....etc.....

those are the ones......that we need to ID and foster ....not the abusive hells kitchen types......

to each his own...for me......its about earned freedom

most of us have worked brutal hours conditionas and come up from the bottom .....

have that behind me and i will never allow some docotr to tell cinderella who was exahusted from 160 weeks hes spoiled and lazy and allow him to run over me and andn and......never again will anyhone make life decisions....a time to polite...a time to tell the so called authroistees with no experience ..where to get off......

ive earned my break........most have........

i will never allow anyone to abuse me ever again after a life time of it......or speak for me.......

speak up......or they will speak and make decisions for us.......


this fella........................not without my permission or signature u aint...........even if im decisions..........are MY one elses.....

Midori profile image

That's right!

in reply to Midori

dear santa/god/mary: please take care of this wonderful wonderful person who gets it and helps me with LC dolphion and others .....find the keys to escape maniupuation domination subversion and the rule of others...however well indended or NOT.........i trust those i know and work with..........from experience with them .........

how u live is your biz....

how i live is .......only mine.......

to my bio family and tohers (NOT HERE)

mind your own your own life.....NOT mine...... not an invitation to advise or your rule or organization.......:) (NOTTTTT directed at this safety circle - our pracice area.....our sanctuary .....again...NOT NOT NOTT directed at anyone here.......we share but we dont dictate.......

i am responsible for one life....mine

your life- your in the pilot seat......its YOUR life not mine

thank u Midori.....

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