we grow working daily with horses and in training. As discussed almost all riders ar human and we take that into account...fears doubts terrors all emtions all part of being human includein g stage fright and so on...anxiety is a normal as breatrhing but as stated ur training dally routines and the rhtym in the riding and exercise help lead to healtiher life and goals and working towards health (until the shrinks and mhs system get into it with their mouseketere level of undersrtanding of worlds they know nothign about including riding is a form of moving TM- u move throgh emotipons and accept them not block not deny just part of universal human nature ur born with and work with just as our horses are...they are what they are and u first leand to accet them for what they are and then reasonalbel rates of developement and communiaitrino and coeoltuin. Commpenscy and inner security come from beint prepared and over prepared....movemnt and fresh air and place where one feels safe and accepting queit horses who let u work quietly....quiet is the expected norm in stable unliek the loud world who thiks its abby normal..they come to the barns all bloatee with selr imporatnce and lud body tones.....they stick out in our worl like sore thmbs what ive been try ing to say for very lont time....a person who is an outcast in the bodl brass world of one worl is the horticuture or gardener or perfedt quiet rider that most horse prefer.......horses are less scared by quiet riders and we learn to quiet ourselves except ror rhe terror of bing aroun shirks and mhs who try to convert us badk to rhei sense or rth loud peopel ...cluelsss to our worlds..
the queiter the person the calmer the horse.....be at peace with ur queitness forget al lthe labelws and and an the horses dont care...just let them eat their hay in peace and go quietly say hello or brush them ...with v quiet horses others woul not want beasue they arent performance show horses......we teachers use the old horses to grow up generaions of peopel hat the mhs system is not waking up to that horseent been doing for centures.......u always put new riders in safe horses and safe instutors and that no shame....patiecne is respected unlike society and why wer prefer o be at the barn...music calms or uplift horsees...agae old ....same as any armuy...the mhs rediscoverint dirt...age old prindioples....pepole need people or companions and touch and life qualty ....nothint has changed......so u have anxiety...animlas prefer sensitive its jus society an d innane doctor who think bold is beatuull ya right off a cliff....no fear garbage total rubbish...fear is adaptive and normal....
when we have crash and burner we go back and rebulid our confidene with steady quiet horses ane rebuild our confiddence.....we no differnt ...u start slow and rebulid..the horses dont care..stay awy from the show world an hgih end glamor horses ...usually more body and looks that brains....when ur going along a cliff u thankful for old reliable with calm iand sure footed thatn the glam glam show horses......when u get onwith ahorse its set for life an hes 99 percent of ur confidence
all riders know it we dont need psch people and mhs who aint been there to tell us about wha5 we know or talk aou t love objects and stupid ....as we quietly ask they leave also those who buy and use cosmo mag and quizes.....
ur favori5te color mean
ur instantly dropped from my lesson program
what part of ur horse do u like the best
the one where he excorts u out of th arena
a kind soul is not judged as weak wih horse its a relief.....sensiv peoplew are more in tune....dont let people tell u it wrong just find yur niche wi5h other peopol who value it...
main point ..our equine partner is our main source of confidence and purpose and securty ..ya so what....anyone who hassles us or fellow quiet rider will be dropped asap....kindness is not a weakness....end here due to typing hand prob
dont believe the critics..find ur niche...human is what we are ane an asset