How we gain strength as riders horsemen - Anxiety and Depre...

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How we gain strength as riders horsemen

10 Replies

we grow working daily with horses and in training. As discussed almost all riders ar human and we take that into account...fears doubts terrors all emtions all part of being human includein g stage fright and so on...anxiety is a normal as breatrhing but as stated ur training dally routines and the rhtym in the riding and exercise help lead to healtiher life and goals and working towards health (until the shrinks and mhs system get into it with their mouseketere level of undersrtanding of worlds they know nothign about including riding is a form of moving TM- u move throgh emotipons and accept them not block not deny just part of universal human nature ur born with and work with just as our horses are...they are what they are and u first leand to accet them for what they are and then reasonalbel rates of developement and communiaitrino and coeoltuin. Commpenscy and inner security come from beint prepared and over prepared....movemnt and fresh air and place where one feels safe and accepting queit horses who let u work quietly....quiet is the expected norm in stable unliek the loud world who thiks its abby normal..they come to the barns all bloatee with selr imporatnce and lud body tones.....they stick out in our worl like sore thmbs what ive been try ing to say for very lont time....a person who is an outcast in the bodl brass world of one worl is the horticuture or gardener or perfedt quiet rider that most horse prefer.......horses are less scared by quiet riders and we learn to quiet ourselves except ror rhe terror of bing aroun shirks and mhs who try to convert us badk to rhei sense or rth loud peopel ...cluelsss to our worlds..

the queiter the person the calmer the at peace with ur queitness forget al lthe labelws and and an the horses dont care...just let them eat their hay in peace and go quietly say hello or brush them ...with v quiet horses others woul not want beasue they arent performance show horses......we teachers use the old horses to grow up generaions of peopel hat the mhs system is not waking up to that horseent been doing for centures.......u always put new riders in safe horses and safe instutors and that no shame....patiecne is respected unlike society and why wer prefer o be at the calms or uplift horsees...agae old ....same as any armuy...the mhs rediscoverint dirt...age old prindioples....pepole need people or companions and touch and life qualty ....nothint has u have anxiety...animlas prefer sensitive its jus society an d innane doctor who think bold is beatuull ya right off a fear garbage total rubbish...fear is adaptive and normal....

when we have crash and burner we go back and rebulid our confidene with steady quiet horses ane rebuild our confiddence.....we no differnt ...u start slow and rebulid..the horses dont care..stay awy from the show world an hgih end glamor horses ...usually more body and looks that brains....when ur going along a cliff u thankful for old reliable with calm iand sure footed thatn the glam glam show horses......when u get onwith ahorse its set for life an hes 99 percent of ur confidence

all riders know it we dont need psch people and mhs who aint been there to tell us about wha5 we know or talk aou t love objects and stupid we quietly ask they leave also those who buy and use cosmo mag and quizes.....

ur favori5te color mean

ur instantly dropped from my lesson program

what part of ur horse do u like the best

the one where he excorts u out of th arena

a kind soul is not judged as weak wih horse its a relief.....sensiv peoplew are more in tune....dont let people tell u it wrong just find yur niche wi5h other peopol who value it...

main point ..our equine partner is our main source of confidence and purpose and securty ..ya so what....anyone who hassles us or fellow quiet rider will be dropped asap....kindness is not a weakness....end here due to typing hand prob

dont believe the critics..find ur niche...human is what we are ane an asset

10 Replies
Dolphin14 profile image

There is a great message in here. I hope people take time to read it and have an open mind to what you are saying. Your knowledge of horses and their behaviors is so deep that you can connect the dots to humans and human nature.

Thank you for the post


in reply toDolphin14

was lookig into an article - just cursoraru and just a open no pressure thoght a sharing....a sharing ....was reading an on the rules of human nature....this authors opionons but good points

he stated is not unreasonalble want





its not defect or selfish....justice and fairness is in tis authors opionios

basic human nature....

have to read the articel again....but i think this is touching on an areas of what im looking for as animals are not christians .....they react protectively if i do not approach them right....not thier fault any more that if i go to Japan and not take off my shoes

my job is to lower my energy ...automatic to us ...its the envrioment we grwo up with and we can see or read the horses (ie u never run in barns.....u walk as softly as u can....u open doors quiet and slowly.....innate to us.......purpsoeful and adaptife or u can cause an enire arena to blow sky high (dr will say ur exagerating....ti they go out there....there quiet is as loud as ny city cars blowing their horns........they dont know our world.......ultra quiet.....untra slow......allows very tense horses learn ...we are not there to hurt them.....u dont do what doctors do.....calm down........(wth????) ...the envrionment like a zoo is adjusted not to humans but to the horses.......a range of temperments from ultra laid back to ultra tense performamne horses.....unsuitable but for top riders and competitions........the have massive adrenal dumps and anyone getting phsical with a horse as most women know.....will turn 1000 pounds of pur e muscle into a 30000 power house that an launch any rider 20 feet as they can take a 180 pound rider over 4 foot fences with ditches in front with ease.......

u must think like a pediatrician.....u must never ever threaten or cause a horse to panic....they with tear the barn down if tied or.....if left alone with the others go out on rides.....the horsew left behind will tear through anyitng not to be left alone or behind......we always load older horse first into trailers for youngter horses to copy.....we use older horses to teah the yhoung horses to go through prefent fights.......u never take a young hrose a lone and say go through the water and not expect pur panik or ...we use scissors rather than clippers triing their ears as they can flip out no matter how qiet the clippers.....on and on and on.....

the reason a horse paniks is they are threatedn

the reason soome in a hsopt paniks isnt them

whoever approached them doesn t understrand they they they are broadastin to sneive peppel and they *** are the problem ........wthdrawl back off........the person cams down......remove the threatendintg whatevfer......


we as the handlers developer are resp ror horse can read the book ...they just want to eat grass with their buddies.....almost never alone as they are herd and prey animals.

many of the peopel here understnad that well....

a tense throughbred lives with a cat or goat.....why wouldnt they

they are escorte to the track with special handlers and special lead quiet escort horses


save to the mhs and doctors.....

we traikn to lower our energy not the other wau around

the finest riders are judted by how profoundly quie5 they ride...and work....

fighting with a horse is totally forbidden

its a reflection of the rider......not the horse

the more senstive he horse he moves ...daily and slower lower progress

one must never traumatize a sentife horse.....u cant unring the bell....theerro fast is ultra slow

docs aint got the memos.....age old proinciples.......

tip of the icebrntg

as a vet ...i go and stand outside the stall......stop there.........until the horse goes back to relaxes...........then i want to see him what his real norm is........before iwork wi5h him o

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if i bother him...i stop.....i am resposnible for every single thing.......when i move along his side i stop at his tell him im going around him....before and pause.....before i sllowly mover arond his orher hindquarter to the oher side.........

ill stand there....until he decides im not a threat....u can tell ...

good animal lover or caretaker /nurses or family memebers say the same thng

they know their animals second nature and can not stand how clods work wiih them doctror or no......

women are less threatenig and estrogen based.....far less threatednk to animals includint us bipeds......and kids.....

not tryhing o be insulting as most mothers and nurtring or fair women knoow....

in reply to

the goal is to communate and train through commincation with the lightest of aids....or voice tone balance and seat...our languages....

trrain relativfe to that horse as humanely as we humanly can

so he needs a what

so a student is scared.....ahh ya......3 in ten billion arent....sooooooo what????????????????

so a student has low self esteem and just want to pet the horse....u must really thnkk bad of me as an instructor cuz im just a nobody beginner

no offense and u will never believe me- beginners are scared to hurt my horses

advanced students can and have to learn to NOT use the power we teach them

just because i can ask for 100 push ups

doesnt mean i doooooooo.....

for this horse for this person....walking 100 feet is a mountain

all things


101 to nurses teachers etc

all true

i alwsys start by not aasking

then i ask ten percent ul get 50

ask 80 perent u will get ten percent

that just how it is wi5hj horswe ans i still cante get instrucotr to listten let alone docorts

in reply toDolphin14

I would only share my hard earned "guidelines" from 60 years with horses (and there are muich muich better- the Bartles of the Yorkshire Rding Cnter/many many true teachers and riding centers v american...another discussion) .......i hope u understan d that riding masters (teacher masters not master masters) prefer** (shock shock shock) begiinners as we reinvest the art of teachint the art of the art of hearing before we leave this world.....we would never ever share this with doctors as i have seen them with horses my whole life....disasters......and they refuse to concede they can learn from others....

i only share this here and due to the safety of LC dolphin and others......

i hope someday that statement simple as it is....registers doctors...never....

trust .....true trust.........deep lastiing trust is earned and foster parents.....over long period of time

u let the horse decide when hes ready to trust u.....

only an idiot commands a horse to trust him (docotors) ......whose the lune....

aint the scared horse and its not the old time riders quietly grooming (a thnk u and reinforcint the bond and trust) their horse......fighting is a profound sign of ignorance

as most here well know ...they arent wrong...

the system is wrong....terrified people are not wrong......the people who tell them to stop being terrified are should work with bikes or chairs or

not senstife people....

if u want to take 5 months to pet the be it (i love the terified horses looooooove can i get that across to people.....myh horses looooooove gentle terrified it ok to touch his mane will i hurt him will i s=care him

dont u get it? cant u hear who the horse isnt afraid of?????????

oh ur scared- il take all of u......fist in line......(and ive been teaching for over 40 years

years ......)

but he wont like me because im not pretty or im bald or i have a big nose or im not rich or i dont have a drgree im a nobody

not to him......he likes u just the way......u r............ull just have to trust me on that one........

he doesnt laugh at he doesnt ...isnt that something......doesnt he hafe big ears....they tell us all the itme what he s thinking....and hes eating his hay........he likes uuuuuu

(tell u the truth hes scared to death of vets as they all are)

ahh see......hes not scared of u....hes eating his hay.......

really? he likes me but im a u realy tink id let a real nobody come anywhere near my precious horse.......ur not a nobody to him.....he like the real u the inside u.....and the way u treat him.......

ooooooh...........regardelss of the outside its theinside that counts......


is fast

skpping steps we never do........

takking the fast way.....the only way.........ther is no schedule no timetable

Dolphin14 profile image

I've read about therapy horses. Having someone like you tell these people that the horses won't judge them. That's a beautiful thing. Very reassuring and gives them encouragement and a good feeling about themselves

in reply toDolphin14

dolphins make u feel so special when so many are diff..thank u so much

Dolphin14 profile image
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