takes a very very long time to develop; good riding horses.........understnad them study them to develop communciation and language.....and not make mistakes or be threatening in any way......long slow trust.......very slow so they develop very very deep trust.- they can only guess what ur trying to teach them.....as they cant read the book........sommethgin my students of all ages tend to forget.-- the books say its all natural.......no it isnt............we help them thorugh their natural fears and slowly develop them at a pace that doesnt cause harm or injury...........demanding horsemanship is not correct...............like teaching kids colors and how to stand in line.....everyihig has to be taught....................p docs and nurses havent a clue as to waht u are talking about.........they have no idea we can lower our energies and all kinds of things they would think is looney toons...........their ignorance not mine............nervous horses u go super slow......u dont demand they stop being nervous that would be absurd.............tell that to the psych peole...........we often just stand in the arena doing nothing ..........so they dont develop anziety about the training.............every step is our responbility ...u never blame the horse.......its our repsonsibility.....like the ultimate teachers..........teh horse sets the pace......
p docs and others have no clue..........we aprpear to be too nice and too acooodating too mousey...........thats our jobs...........we work with horses........and horses in tunr
dont care aobut our labels or how much money we have or not..........only how we treat them.......................all about long long trust............try telling that to the idiots in mental health who think they are soo cool and ..............soo the experts........we do this since we are kids.................we put flowers near their stalls, or wierd shapes or mailboxes so they spook at first but over time............learn to relax..............u cant force anyting doesnt work that way...........theyare your partner.......
i am not a fan of the mnetla health system..........what most people need is a truel friend or buddy or pal or dog in human form...........what ]we dont need is more self analysis...........and criticsm...........no horse no rider is perfect.............so waht.....as long as one is reasonalbe consisten......they catchon on.....................win win win]............just reasonalby consistent................................people love to preach perfection.........are cowboys and field riders ballet perfedt.............good grief no............
thik we all should be liek taht .......each others buddies and comaradarie and fun....livein and doing things.......perfection.....what the hell is that> my horses arent and who wantst to nag then to death ..........i wouldnt want to be a horse for the poerfedtionaists..................
smore? a movie? i hate butting heads......i like to train low and slow and not traumatize my horses in the slightest..............when they get bored........then ....we will move up a step;............most horses like stablity and patience................suits me fine...........and they may not love me but its nice when they feel safe and know itw ]wtll do my utmost not to hurt them or scare them in any way..........education is not being a bully....................slow and steady works for me too................mutual journey