It's official. I live in a red zone. The delta variant is here and the transmission rate and new cases are on the rise. I have followed the rules. Stayed home, wore a mask and got vaccinated. A close friend and her daughter were supposed to visit this week but can't. Her daughter is immuno compromised. Our family vacation in September is now up in the air. But the part that upsets me the most is knowing my husband, daughter and son will be caring for Covid patients again.
Frustrated and furious: It's official... - Anxiety and Depre...
Frustrated and furious

That is bad news indeed. Hope you are faring well. Keep deep breathing - we will get through this!
Sometimes it's so difficult to accept that this pandemic is far from over and sadly we all face a tough time with tough decisions, my only advice would be to count your blessings and allow time to pass, there's no other choice xxx

I agree; It's not over yet, and the actions of some of the 'unbelievers' are just causing it to drag on longer by refusing vaccine and not wearing masks.
We should try not to judge others for the choices they make during this already difficult time, some people have very real reasons for fearing vaccines etc, we can only do our best ❤

I try to educate people. Let them know from experience the vaccine is safe. Share what I know about masks and social distancing. But some days it's hard. Some days I do judge. I'm human.
Yes it's not easy, we're all human and none of us a perfect, as I said all we can do is our best 👍❤