I live in FL. I have very bad anxiety and depression. I take meds for this and it is controlled. My adult daughter is living at home while in college. Her boyfriend has bad depression and will not see any doctors or take medication. He smokes pot. So a few days ago I found out he bought a gun. I am ok with people owning guns but not with mental illness. I told her this and now she's mad at me. She also suffers from depression and takes meds off and on. I'd like to see others opinions about mental illness and gun ownership. Thanks
Anxiety, depression and guns - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety, depression and guns

"Mental Illness" is such a broad term that I don't think everyone with a diagnosis should be denied gun ownership.
Personally, I would be nervous to have something in my house that could be used against myself in a intense moment during a depression.
I know myself well enough to say I don't trust myself completely when I get really depressed. I don't want any ready-made shortcuts to death to tempt me.
I hope to not always feel this way, but for now, that's how it is.
I would wonder, why did he buy the gun?
Sorry have not been able to come to the site for a while, we had problems with my little dog being very ill,but what we feared was cancer turned out to be safe, thank God. Hope you are doing ok despite feeling down. Have gone to the no charge prayer forum which is at accuratepsychicreadingsonli... and posted for you so that you know someone cares. It can be so gloomy at the moment, so many people ill and struggling plus having to stay in too.
Hi, nice to meet you. Ive been struggling to lose weight, managed to lose two stone in approximately two years. But having smaller portions and not snacking. How are you getting on with it? we had problems with my little dog being very ill,but what we feared was cancer turned out to be safe, thank God, but something like that takes your appetite away. Anxiety or worry always helps me to lose weight, it takes away my appetite and makes me nauseus. Hope you are doing ok despite feeling down. Have gone to the no charge prayer forum which is at accuratepsychicreadingsonli... and posted for you so that you know someone cares. I always fel beter if a friend or family emails me or texts me or phones me, knowing they care can help so much. It can be so gloomy at the moment, so many people ill and struggling plus having to stay in too.
I believe that everyone is different, however, in my case, my brother committed suicide with a gun so for me, I agree with you on people with mental illness not having a gun. Better to be safe than sorry. He did not want to seek help either. There is nothing more in this whole world that I would want more than to have my brother back with me and if I could pass a law for guns to be banned for people that struggle with depression or mental illness, I would. However, that’s just one person’s opinion fueled by losing someone that was very dear to me. I wish you and him all the best and pray that nothing that terrible ever falls upon your family. God bless.
For someone with depression, I think it's best to stay away from weapons that would harm you
The biggest problem about anxiety attacks is, you would want to find the easiest way out and if a gun is close by you take your life
There is nothing that cant be fixed
Life is too precious
you have to decide if your daughter's boyfriend wanting a gun worth more than your life.
your depression is going to get worst just knowing he has the gun. good luck. GOd bless