helloo lovely poeple, im not feeling great today, its not anxiety, its not depression, i think im just sad, you know im realizing more things about my life, my friends, my family..every singlr day
I met someone recently, and we clicked, crazy how meeting someone for less than a week can be as impactful as people u have known for years, she gave me a feeling no one did in so so long, i honestly felt like we were made for each other, and not necessarily as partners, just as friends even, i never clicked with someone like that and felt that joy of knowing both of us are just so into one another, i felt that the universe was laughing at me because she was here on a 2 month vacation and i met her on her last 5 days. It hurt, and i didnt really think i would feel that for someone.
I think it also hurt because For the people already in my life, sometimes i feel i dont have anyone in my corner, dont get me wrong, im not saying im alone and no one loves me, no this isnt some kind of attention seeking behavior, i know my family and friends would do alot from me, but is it selfish for me to expect more, i mean my family dont seem to really care sometimes unless they want something, like give them money, solve their problems, keep their secrets from my father, and there isnt really that strong of a relationship as it used to.
Its so draining to me, my friends are great but sometimes i feel they want to hurt me or take advantage of me, i dont have anyone who i can really ask for support or a place to stay if it gets bad, i dont need that but i mean thats what friends are for i guess.
I guess my question is, how do i tell if thats my brain using my insecurities to cause me anxiety and depression, or this is something that im right about and what im feeling is valid which is that i cant rely on anyone in my life, theyre fun and they care but they all have motives and needs for me to potentially fullfill and without those they really wont stick around.
I cant find anyone to socialize with and i know once im back to uni in person not online this can get better, but i feel like starting iver again is hard, meeting new people, i have trust issues and honestly i dont feel anyone is capable of trust anymore, and no one is capable of loyalty, how do i move on with my life when i think the world is so scary and messed up, im not really anxious at all right now, but i really think im being realistic with sayin that for me to find a bond like i had with my best friends and family is rare ,
i dont know if i will ever let my guard down for new people, im just a really messed up person and i dont want to get comfortable because one always leaves whether thats me or the other person.