hello... first of all, i hope you all are having a great day today. i doubt anyone will read this. but i just want to let this out.
i have attempted suicide several times. i’ve been to a hospital, which helped, temporarily. after this recent time i was, i went to school, and somehow, everyone knew. they thought i was crazy. i lost many friends that i thought were there for me.
i look around every day at school and see how people treat me. i have some friends, but not nearly as much as i used to. some people talk to me, but things just aren’t the same.
i can’t help but think about how this is how they treat someone that’s been through so much, but survived. i could be dead right now. if i died, people would have reacted totally differently, wishing they’d done something. and i actually survived. yet, they treat me like i don’t exist.
a boy at my school also disappeared from attempting suicide. i texted him, talked to him, let him know how i am so glad he is alive. i let him know is is strong. i let him know that i am always there for him, and that i am proud that he is brave and still keeps trying after all he’s been through. i barely know him, but i still told him all of this. because i don’t want anyone to feel the kind of pain i have felt.
so why do people treat ME differently? my ex-best friend hasn’t spoken a word to me since i’ve returned. she’s hurt me in so many ways. but if i heard she wanted to take her own life? i’d be there for her in a second.
why does no one feel the same towards me?
is it me, or them?
what am i doing wrong?
i have so much love and care for the world. but nobody wants it.
i guess what i’m saying is, i’m beginning to feel as though it doesn’t really matter if i am here. i simply don’t see the point. some people view suicide as selfish. but i don’t. if i WERE gone... people may either not notice, or would get over it quickly.
the world is beautiful... but there is also a lot of evil. i have great faith. i don’t want to give up. but yet, i do. i am torn between strength and weakness. the weakness cries out to me everyday.
i just need one person there for me. just one. i want someone to care for me as much as i care for them.
why am i always someone’s second choice?
why do i seem to not be good enough to anyone?
why do i fail to reach someone else’s expectations, no matter how much i try?
i don’t know if i want to do this anymore.