Medical doctor drama part Dos - Anxiety and Depre...

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Medical doctor drama part Dos

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
15 Replies

Ok just to update people on my last post. Also to get everyone else up to speed.

I’m from the United States and I’m on Medicare and Medicaid. I have a Part D coverage. I have hypothyroidism. I suffered a major setback in anxiety after my doctor raised my thyroid medication. He doesn’t believe it was the medication & won’t give me a referral to see a specialist.

I’m with a medical group. I’m being seen by a jack@$$ of a doctor. But I’m kind of caught between a rock and hard place. Recently I decided I wanted to see another doctor within the medical group. Unfortunately found out I would have to get approval from my doctor that I’m with now. I figured I will settle this when I went to get my blood work done on Monday the 7th. There I found out I just needed to sign papers but the doctor I would have like to see is only there Wednesdays & Fridays. Which is inconvenient for me considering I’m anxious & my fiancé takes me to my appointments. So there went that plan.

My fiancé said well how about a second opinion. Maybe I can see a new doctor, be able to get to know them a bit and perhaps make the change and this person be my new doctor.

Well called some doctors. 1 doctor recommended to me by a friend is booked until December. So she’s off the list.

The next one returned my call. But when I informed her it’s for a second opinion. I was told I could not see her because she is not in my medical group. I can only get a second opinion from my medical group and my doctor has to approve it. But if I wanted to change my doctor. I have to call my insurance, tell them I want to see her and then call back the office to make an appointment.

To find out if this was true, I called my insurance. And unfortunately it is. I can only get second opinions from within my medical group or a specialist that my doctor refers me to. Which of course he won’t do it, hell took him a month just to give me an EKG after complaining about chest pains. I still get them btw but he thinks it’s my anxiety.

After hearing all this and thank them for their time. I sat & cried for a little bit. Cause I feel so utterly helpless. I have to suffer this fool for a little longer. Ooh that’s another blood work came back & my TSH levels are at 4.76 which are high according to their data. So I’ll probably get put back on Levothyroxine 50mcg.

After crying for probably 10mins. I started to laugh...why you may ask? Cause it’s all just so f***ing hysterical.

Thanks for reading ladies and gentlemen.

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CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
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15 Replies
DodgeDhanda profile image

Hi CG I'm so sorry to read that u feel so let down & I know u may not wish to read this bit but maybe you need to juggle things around so u can go see the lady doc on a Wednesday or Friday. Its going to be the fastest way to get what u need done. I don't know how easy it is to take out new insurance & go to a new doctors group as it seems ur not being treat as human but a cash cow & its one of many legalised crimes against the masses perpetrated by insurance , big pharma & of course ur government. If they can get brown envelopes then they don't care, its why possibly the arms manufacturers donate to both sides. But I'm getting angry on ur behalf & I don't mean to . Again fastest solution is switch rest days or book a day off to see this women doctor cuz ur normal doctor is stuck in victoriana times .

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
CL3V3R-G1RL in reply to DodgeDhanda

Yeah my fiancé and I are trying to work out something. Possibly dropping my medicare part D and just go back to normal medicare. Then I can possibly get on my fiancé insurance plan.

See what kind he has built up to take off work if possible to take me to my appointments with this woman doctor.

Just a bit frustrated with the system. Just wanted to vent. It felt good to vent. That way I don't drive myself insane by keeping this all in my head.

I know I'll figure this out.

But thanks for listening it rather reading my thoughts. Please don't get too riled up. You seem like a good person and are beloved by this community. I dont want you to go break your keyboard lol and everyone will be upset with me cause you're not online lol

DodgeDhanda profile image
DodgeDhanda in reply to CL3V3R-G1RL

Ha the system is made to keep you ill & then they only do what the insurance allows you to have. That's not care that's only looking at the cash at the end only . We have doctors like urs here too but here it's all nhs surgeries unless ur rich enough to be able to pay for a private doctor but that private doctor also works for the NHS too as a consultant or specialist & they give u the same care for less. Only difference is if ur rich u can get ur operation faster as you pay for it.

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
CL3V3R-G1RL in reply to DodgeDhanda

Like Wu Tang said C.R.E.A.M (Cash Rules Everything Around Me)

Yeah I have a friend who lives in the Netherlands and he hates doctors lol. He had a issue and had to shop around. I believe he found a doctor in Germany who listened and identify his issued and fixed him.

So I have to be patient which I'm not very good at. I get so excited and anxious like I'm loosing something precious to me. Well I guess I am. Time is a precious thing. I guess cause I spent my youth trapped in anxiety. That I don't want to go back to that. But I guess time takes time. We got this and we'll figure it out. Trying to keep a positive mental attitude 😊

in reply to CL3V3R-G1RL

The medical system is so messed up. It’s no wonder you are frustrated! You will get it all straightened out. Keep being persistent with your insurance and the Dr’s. You have a right to get decent help. Unfortunately we have to be our own advocates these days!

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
CL3V3R-G1RL in reply to

Which is a struggle when you are anxious person cause you worry about upsetting the other person. I cry when I get anxious and I feel people don't take me seriously. I know there's a way. I just have to find it. Thanks for the encouragement 🙂

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image

I appreciate your reply. Right now it's a bit difficult. My anxiety hasn't been great...hell that's why I'm here lolMy mom is elderly and can't drive me to my appointment if I see this woman.

My fiancé works 6 days a week. His day off is Monday. That's when I make my appointments. I really don't have anyone else.

Right now my fiancé and I are trying to juggle things out. Just wanted to vent my frustrations with the system. Thanks for taking the time to read it.

Some doctors believe in pushing the pill Another way to put money in their pocket. I know I had one. Cough --take this medicine that will take your cough away in a day. Go figure.

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
CL3V3R-G1RL in reply to

Yeah I'm just afraid of being on 1 pill for better part of 12yrs. Suddenly turned into 2 then 3 pills. I don't know where it'll stop. I accept I have hypothyroidism. I accept my levels are going up. I'm fine in taking medication to help keep my thyroid functioning properly. I just want the right medication. I don't think that's asking a lot. Fine, this one didn't work out so well can we try another? Why can't I get that? That's what I want my doctor to answer.

in reply to CL3V3R-G1RL

I agree with you 100 %. I hope you can talk sense into somebody. You know your body and how it feels. Doctors don't. They don't have a clue unless they are dealing with same situation. Keep us updated!!

Jeff1943 profile image

So all doctors are fools, jackasses and money grabbers. I have yet to meet one such in 78 years.But please remember many people here rely on their good relationship with their doctors and undermining their trust, expertise and confidence is not helpful to say the least.

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
CL3V3R-G1RL in reply to Jeff1943

I didn’t say they were all fools. I have had good doctors in my life. Unfortunately they moved and or retired. Now just because you have never experienced a bad doctor doesn’t discredit myself and or others on here that have had bad doctors.

In fact I’m still trying to see a doctor. So obviously I don’t think doctors are all bad. I just want a doctor that actually listens to what I’m telling them and not undermining my experience with what is going on with my body.

This is just my experience and I’m just sharing what I’ve been dealing with.

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image

My insurance is actually right now is trying to cut costs by not paying what they call “non emergency” visits to the ER. Of course that would put a lot of people in trouble cause we can’t control when something happens. A lot of urgent care clinics in the city where I’m in closes at 5pm. I only know of 1 that’s open until 8pm. So if you get sick in the late hours, you have no choice but to go to the ER.

And the state attorney is actually being investigated by the FBI. And the state bar 😂

The biggest issue I have with my doctor is that is too dismissive and is vague. Unfortunately I haven’t found a replacement doctor so I’ll be seeing him Monday afternoon. I’m going to have a frank discussion with him. Maybe something good will come of it. I’m just going to be honest on how I feel. I hope he listens this time.

TangledUpIn profile image
TangledUpIn in reply to CL3V3R-G1RL

It's so hard when someone in charge dismisses what you are saying.

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
CL3V3R-G1RL in reply to TangledUpIn

It really hurt when he dismissed my experience that I was having with the medication. Just basically without saying it was saying it’s me that’s the problem. It’s all in your head. Despite levothyroxine having on its list of side effects includes anxiety.

And I found out thru my own detective work that my pharmacy was giving Euthyoxl or however you spell it. And I asked the young student doctor that was shadowing him if that was different from what I was getting now. Now it is and isn’t. Yes it’s levothyroxine but it’s a brand name. I was taking that for the first year and was doing fine. Then I got put on the generic levothyroxine 50mcg. That could have also played a part in my reaction to it. Cause I’ve read numerous pages about with hormones drugs you should try to stick with the same brand or generic. Don’t jump back and forth on them. I don’t think the student doctor even asked or my doctor again was dismissive of my theory. Cause he doesn’t talk to me about questions I’ve brought up with the nurses before hand etc, I get distracted by something else he says. I’ll answer it to the best of my ability and then ok visit is over. See the staff for your next appointment.

I really liked him at first. Cause I had an amazing doctor before him. I was scared cause my doctor was great. I decided to go to him. My mom use to see him before her insurance change. I liked that his office is about 2 miles away from my house. I can message him with concerns. And his waiting room isn’t jammed packed with people. I been seeing him since 2018. But I guess he don’t remember how I was then compare to now. I was almost independent. Now I’m a nervous wreck.

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