Hi Everyone....I appreciate all the support, encouragement and good wishes I received yesterday. However, I talked to my doctor last night and for the umpteenth time, she discouraged me from doing the ECT....her daughter had 12 weeks of it and it was awful. She put me on Buspar last week and we've been slowly increasing the dosage and she wants to see if it will make a difference. She is also going to find a psychiatrist for a second opinion (she thinks I'm on the wrong meds based on my GeneSight map). I've been under such stress about this.....I honestly don't know what I'm doing. I've read some good things, but a whole lot of negative things about ECT....and you know what? I'M JUST REALLY SCARED. My husband is usually wanting me to try whatever will help, but with this he's been on the fence like me. But this morning his feeling is "no." So I'm going to cancel for now....my brain just doesn't work like it used to and making decisions (especially BIG ones) is so difficult. I hope I'm making the right choice....
Thanks again for caring!