Last Thursday evening my cat escaped from my place. I know it was an accident, she must have fallen through the screen I found knocked out of one of my windows. She'd done it once before but I had found her within a matter of hours and have never had my windows opened far enough for her to get through since... or so I thought.
I feel heartsick. I'm disabled in such a way that I really don't leave my house let alone wander around on private property yelling "here kitty kitty". I have done my due diligence posting on various places online, calling where I can and I'm making some wanted flyers.
I live in the middle of nowhere. I'll talk to two people on the phone sporadically but I live a very isolated, shut-off existence in which this cat is such a HUGE part of my life. It bothers me how lifeless and quiet my house has been these last few days.
I know I'm doing all of the right things I can do to try to get her back, but I can't shake the feeling I'll never see her again. It's not simply a matter of not being positive or having faith, I ALWAYS lose out in life. I always get by with less than, waiting longer and paying more... I ask for so little in life and after only having this beautiful girl for a little over a year she's suddenly gone... and I didn't even do anything wrong. I left a window open a little too much.
I keep cycling through a number of emotions like heart-wrenching sadness, anger, desperation... I've really been having a hard time with enough things in my life lately but this, this has hit me harder than anything else.
I can't focus but I know I need to force myself to step away from this for a bit... I can feel anxiety crawling up behind me, whispering threats of doom. I've broken down a couple of times lately and had some pretty nasty panic attacks and despite dealing with them pretty well, it still sucks... I still feel so lost and hopeless.
Writing this I realize how fast my thoughts are and how they're going off in every direction imaginable. I just wish I had her back, I ask for so little out of life...
Anyway, thanks for listening.